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Author Topic: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.  (Read 131499 times)


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Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« on: August 09, 2018, 01:09:45 am »
Pretty sure it's cole playing his account. He's like two weeks rusty and has all these new builds out of nowhere?
he played 100% different like another player.


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2018, 01:21:45 am »
Lol just like I was Cole when I played on kingslayer. Everyone called me him too when I played on that account. I know you think you’re a top three player because you finished the season there but you’re not. Yeah I’m still rusty but not rusty enough to lose to you. Those games weren’t flawless by any means.


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2018, 02:15:05 am »
Regardless of how you performed on kingslayer, what I noticed was the games vs buu was nearly identical to how cole plays and completely opposite of your style. Regardless, this is only speculation and I'm not sure can be completely proven


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2018, 03:14:21 am »


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2018, 04:44:25 am »
I will have Islanti look into this. He has the tools to check.


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2018, 06:00:24 am »
Lmao fire. Turned super salty cause they both lost already lmao


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2018, 06:25:08 am »
whether it is out of saltiness or genuine suspicion, in both cases I am obliged to look into it.


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2018, 08:30:05 am »
Just go to watching the replays. The difference in level between the Set Kon played vs Bungee and this Set vs Buu is significant. These games also have Kon playing a way different style on all three races.

I've had multiple people watch the replays, people familiar with both Kon and Cole's play from personal experience and they have all said it's more likely to be Cole or that they 100% believe it was Cole. I will get a couple more second opinions and feedback from Islanti before I make my call.

To give people a quick heads up. If the final results support the accusation I will disqualify Kon and reverse the results. Pro]EviL- will then be reinstated into the tournament in Kon's place starting from Round 2A. Fire.Buu vs Pro]EviL- will then commence ASAP. But don't assume this outcome just yet.

I hereby also request Kon to provide evidence to disprove the accusation.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 08:32:40 am by preMier »


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2018, 08:43:29 am »
Just go to watching the replays. The difference in level between the Set Kon played vs Bungee and this Set vs Buu is significant. These games also have Kon playing a way different style on all three races.

I've had multiple people watch the replays, people familiar with both Kon and Cole's play from personal experience and they have all said it's more likely to be Cole or that they 100% believe it was Cole. I will get a couple more second opinions and feedback from Islanti before I make my call.

To give people a quick heads up. If the final results support the accusation I will disqualify Kon and reverse the results. Pro]EviL- will then be reinstated into the tournament in Kon's place starting from Round 2A. Fire.Buu vs Pro]EviL- will then commence ASAP. But don't assume this outcome just yet.

I hereby also request Kon to provide evidence to disprove the accusation.

So you are going to give buu the win because you think Kon is not playing? Are you serious you know people learn and play differently everyday. So because someone got smacked and people crying you looking into this. This is very sad and the reason this league is so ass.  If you friends with the people that run this stupid league you have an advantage!


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2018, 08:45:38 am »
Just go to watching the replays. The difference in level between the Set Kon played vs Bungee and this Set vs Buu is significant. These games also have Kon playing a way different style on all three races.

I've had multiple people watch the replays, people familiar with both Kon and Cole's play from personal experience and they have all said it's more likely to be Cole or that they 100% believe it was Cole. I will get a couple more second opinions and feedback from Islanti before I make my call.

To give people a quick heads up. If the final results support the accusation I will disqualify Kon and reverse the results. Pro]EviL- will then be reinstated into the tournament in Kon's place starting from Round 2A. Fire.Buu vs Pro]EviL- will then commence ASAP. But don't assume this outcome just yet.

I hereby also request Kon to provide evidence to disprove the accusation.

So you are going to give buu the win because you think Kon is not playing? Are you serious you know people learn and play differently everyday. So because someone got smacked and people crying you looking into this. This is very sad and the reason this league is so ass.  If you friends with the people that run this stupid league you have an advantage!

I will get a couple more second opinions and feedback from Islanti before I make my call.

I hereby also request Kon to provide evidence to disprove the accusation.


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2018, 08:47:36 am »
Gus is trash why would Steve need cole to play him lmao.


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2018, 08:48:19 am »
Gus is trash why would Steve need cole to play him lmao.

because if twas " show up today or get dq". int heory


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2018, 08:49:41 am »
Gus is trash why would Steve need cole to play him lmao.

because if twas " show up today or get dq"

Steve was trying to play him for 3 days straight but Gus dodged cause of his computer situation. Like I said Gus is just hurt he lost. Like when Jose bashed on him he accused of Brian playing on his account.


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2018, 09:06:15 am »
Gus is trash why would Steve need cole to play him lmao.

because if twas " show up today or get dq"

Steve was trying to play him for 3 days straight but Gus dodged cause of his computer situation. Like I said Gus is just hurt he lost. Like when Jose bashed on him he accused of Brian playing on his account.

You're incorrect there. On Tuesday night Kon tapped out because he was too tired. The UGL bot yesterday before they both played said Kon hadn't been online since Sunday morning. I had talked with Buu on Sunday and Monday to convince him to consider playing on the laptop with shitty internet. He said he'd try to for the sake of progressing the tournament. Buu has been online on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday(before and after a 700 mile drive home) and Wednesday. There are many people who can testify to support that. In a replay of Kon vs BungeeGum Kon makes the statement "I don't even have time for this, but the money is good/I want the money." While I can't determine how much truth there is to this claim, considering it came from Kon himself and the fact he has shown to be rather busy over the past 10 days, it is not out of the ordinary to assume that's indeed true. And then there is last week when we kindly requested Kon to adapt to the situation so he could play against EviL-. While I have a complete understanding of why he didn't show up or adapt during that time-frame, it does end up working against him right now. There is reason to assume Kon did not have the time to play before the deadline and there is reason to believe he asked someone else to play in his stead to avoid forfeiting. But reason to believe is not a great way of determining the truth. Hence I have not made my judgement and hence I am waiting for more second opinions on the matches and I am waiting on Islanti for the Bot's logs.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 09:08:49 am by preMier »


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Re: Kokanee[aV] playing kon's account.
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2018, 09:09:08 am »
Gus is trash why would Steve need cole to play him lmao.

because if twas " show up today or get dq"

Steve was trying to play him for 3 days straight but Gus dodged cause of his computer situation. Like I said Gus is just hurt he lost. Like when Jose bashed on him he accused of Brian playing on his account.

You're incorrect there. On Tuesday night Kon tapped out because he was too tired. The UGL bot yesterday before they both played said Kon hadn't been online since Sunday morning. I had talked with Buu on Sunday and Monday to convince him to consider playing on the laptop with shitty internet. He said he'd try to for the sake of progressing the tournament. Buu has been online on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday(before and after a 700 mile drive home) and Wednesday. There are many people who can testify to support that. In a replay of Kon vs BungeeGum Kon makes the statement "I don't even have time for this, but the money is good/I want the money." While I can't determine how much truth there is to this claim, considering it came from Kon himself and the fact he has shown to be rather busy over the past 10 days, it is not out of the ordinary to assume that's indeed true. And then there is last week when we kindly requested Kon to adapt to the situation so he could play against EviL-. While I have a complete understanding of why he didn't show up or adapt during that time-frame, it does end up working against him right now. There is reason to assume Kon did not have the time to play before the deadline and there is reason to believe he asked someone else to play in his stead. But reason to believe is not a great way of determining the truth. Hence I have not made my judgement and hence I am waiting for more second opinions on the matches and I am waiting on Islanti for the Bot's logs.

I only read the first half of that cause the rest is bullshit. You just said so yourself he was on and you were trying to convince him to play, but he DIDNT WANT to correct? He got back super late on Tuesday and was trying to finally play, but you know some of us have jobs and have to be up early, unlike most of fire.


Season Info

SCW Season 51
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: Feb 13 - Mar 31
1 Jr-Donkey116-28
2 Don~92-28
3 LeGenD]EviL60-14
4 Resoud128-93
5 Nid_Hoggr.131-127

1 Jr-Donkey94-45
2 6ixGAWD68-25
3 -]K[L-ZeuZ68-36
4 LeGenD]ZetA56-33
5 IHateThisGame6936-14

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