To keep things
FUN(TM), here is a reminder of the currently supported channel commands and their purpose. Also, if you scroll to the bottom of this post, I've added additional levels as well as a leaderboard for the top 50 users.
.find <player> - Shows when a player was last seen or, if they're in channel, when they last talked
<OP]Momo85-> .seen spacewar
<spacewar was last seen Wednesday, May 9 at 02:15 PDT>
<Xtre-Soda> .seen zry
<ZrY was last seen 37 minutes ago>
.scw1 <user> - Shows your position or another players's position on the 1v1 standing
.scw2 <user> - Shows your position or another players's position on the 2v2 standing
.scwtp - Shows the top ranked 1v1 and 2v2 players
.1v1 - This lets the UGL bot and others know that you are looking for a 1v1 game and will announce other players in the channel that are also looking. This makes it easier for players to find matches. Typing
1v1 scw will also work.
.2v2 - Same as above, but for 2v2. Typing
2v2 scw will also work
<Sail> .1v1
<Looking for 1v1: Sail [A] FiRe.FreaKyOneS [C-] Chick3n [B+]>
<Sail> chick3n go?
.online - Will show which registered league members were seen within the past 15 minutes that are outside of the channel
<Xtre-Soda> .online
<[4] GanGstEr]Dario Chick3n TwannySavage TrueS->
.about <user> - Will show when a user was first seen by the UGL bot
<xyphet> .about xtre-prez
<Captain Xtre-PreZ [D+] was first seen April 22, 2018>
.level <user> - Shows a player's level and title. Anybody can gain levels by being active and playing games. You gain additional levels by earning points on the SCW ladder (note: these additionally earned levels will reset when the current season ends). This is just a fun feature that does not affect your league standing
<GanGstEr]ZerG-> .LvL GanGstEr]JoSe.
<GanGstEr]JoSe. is level 74 (Brigadier)>
Every 5 levels will award you a new title. After level 70, every 10 levels will award you a title.
1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 100-109 110-119 120-129 130-139 140-149 150+ | Rookie Recruit Private Apprentice Corporal Sergeant Officer Lieutenant Lt. Commander Commander Captain Major Lt. Colonel Colonel Brigadier Major General Lt. General General Admiral Marshal Field Marshal Grand Marshal Several more elite ranks to discover which will remain secret for now |
Top 50 users by level: