Its not designed to support anyone. The rules are rules, and as admin I'm bound to follow the letter of the rules in every case, no matter what emotions may incline me to do or who was more good-mannered in a case. I wish you understood my difficult position here. Never before in any league, whether it be SCD, VGT, has anyone been awarded a win for taking someone's main or getting map control, or any other kind of advantage in the game, if they left the game before it was finished. Am I wrong here? There is nothing logistically special about this case that would make it appropriate to be treated differently. Do I think your opponent was super BM to upload the game? Yes, but that doesn't change the rules.
If you think the rules should be modified so that cases like this are handled differently, please feel free to make a suggestion and if the community shows sufficient support, it will be seriously considered. But we can't selectively pick and choose the procedure for rules that aren't even written
Also, if you think someone's play style promotes boring turtle and/or BM games, you are perfectly within your rights to avoid playing them, and you are fully allowed within the rules to leave a game immediately (stating the reason in chat) if an opponent picked P without explicitly making it clear before the countdown