Okay first thing I want to say is.. I didn't play much in the past days. Why? Because I been watching lots of 1v1 replays of players from previous seasons. I can now Iunderstand more about what is one of my weakness. One weakness for sure and it's the weakest of then all is my TVP match. I know I lose a lot when P make gateway in middle of map , rush with 2 or more zealots.. what is best way to fix this rush? How to beat it? So far for my 1v1 TVP games, I did not win even one time vs this strategy. I try to make bunker first and micro Marines back and forth but lose more Marines than I can make than I die to cannons. Some TVP players can defend rush, I call u pro for that. Oh yeh hardest part vs middle build zealot rush is when u base is middle side map, not corners, that's more hard to beat the zealot middle build rush. What do I do? Make academy super fast? Make bunker super fast? Trap my choke with barrack and wall? I don't get it. How do people can protect than beat it, I don't get it. Can any pro fastest gamers help here? Thanks