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Author Topic: Website Update - The birth of a new StarCraft fastest league  (Read 292368 times)


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Hello StarCraft Players,

With StarCraft: Remastered being released just days ago, it seems like an opportune time to announce that we will be starting a new fastest league - SCW.  Due to the massive spike in BroodWar numbers and the dwindling SC original activity, we have decided that the first season of SCW will take place on BroodWar.  We don't have an exact starting date, but expect to see the first season kick off within a month or so.

I'm sure many of you are wondering what happened to UGL, so I'll fill in the blanks.  Uni-Dream took money that was supposed to be dedicated to UGL and "ran" with it.  It has been radio silence for 3 months.  Because of Dream's actions, the website is no longer up and we are permanently disbanding UGL.

That being said, StarCraft World is still in its infancy and a lot of work has to be done to get this thing up and running.  Any help we can get from the community would be greatly appreciated.  We are currently looking for Forum Moderators, League Moderators, and Graphic Designers (custom banner for the website and other similar things).  If you are interested in any of these positions, please fill out an application under the "LEAGUE" forum. 

We are thrilled to usher in a new era of competitive StarCraft. 

Good Gaming!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2017, 11:04:43 am by LivE.SworD »


Season Info

SCW Season 51
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: Feb 13 - Mar 31
1 Jr-Donkey48-15
2 Resoud37-21
3 llIIllllIIlIllI34-16
4 F.I.F.A.]Budgie56-47
5 BigPappa26-24

1 eros_3z25-1
2 eros_stx25-1
3 s]x19-4
4 Jr-Donkey21-13
5 LeGenD]GohaN12-1

Help keep the league active.

Donate for HyDrA's recovery: https://gofund.me/aab74105


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