Hano hacked. Many things he does during games is suspect but in this game his MIN COUNT was more than what his drone count should have allowed for. Do the math. Also he had multiple players doing micro for him during the game. Not to mention my reavers not firing but he can claim that isn't him but the min + micro was him. Check the latest replay. Was a clear victory for me, I STILL should have won. He knows whats coming though. Hack or no hack I'm still going to beat your monkey ass. Also just so you all know. Hano is Hero from sc2 the world champ. Just so you know. He's smurfing. He exploits EVERY weakness scout or no scout. Check all my games with him you will see it. The guys is a clear cut cheat but last game LOL he choose to MIN HACK which is UNDISPUTABLE hack. Watch the replay.