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[Support Center] Can you add this game host misstakenly made wrong map? by Muppy December 02, 2024, 09:38:26 am
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[General Discussion ] $50 to scw 49 2v2 prize pool by ExcIusive November 30, 2024, 03:46:02 pm
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Messages - ~RuiN~

Pages: [1]
Clans / Re: TAoW
« on: August 09, 2021, 04:58:44 pm »
Hey, Zedt.
Good to see you!
I am RuiN#11862 on bnet chat.

Support Center / pls remove game
« on: January 23, 2019, 02:53:23 pm »
pls remove ~ruin~'s upload vs xp`jonsnow.
i lost that game PvT.
I did not know that only the winners upload the reps.
Thank you.

Support Center / Tournament rules.
« on: January 16, 2019, 04:37:08 am »
Cannot find the rules for the tournament.
I'm trying to establish whether I can be a protoss player in the tournament since it is my dominant race.
As far as I can see, this is not established anywhere on the site!
I guess that means there is no limiting factor that I can play protoss?
Can I have a link for the rules?

Introduce Yourself / Re: I will give some advice for improve op ugl
« on: December 20, 2018, 02:13:00 pm »
the play off will be between usa and korea. and thats gg
I so look forward to this.

Exciting news!
Just kind of upset that the KFM only has 30 mineral fields opposed to the Western version.

General Discussion / Re: The screen shot offer
« on: December 20, 2018, 02:05:03 pm »
That shit is crazy, what a crybaby.

News / Re: Unprecedented server disaster - rollback to 12/9
« on: December 15, 2018, 11:42:49 am »
Yes, Thank you.

Clans / TAoW
« on: December 06, 2018, 01:11:16 pm »
Looking for any of the original TAoWs.
If you don't show, I am claiming the name.
Where you at, Marcus?
PM me.
Other members, PM me.

Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Coverage YT SCW
« on: December 06, 2018, 01:06:47 pm »
Cover SCW season 9 on YT.

I think with ASL and all the other korean leagues streaming over afreeca etc this would only be right.

Suggestions & Feedback / Coverage YT SCW
« on: December 06, 2018, 12:55:28 pm »

Support Center / Re: Cannot join league
« on: December 06, 2018, 03:53:28 am »

Support Center / Cannot join league
« on: December 03, 2018, 10:57:35 pm »
When asked for bnet account name ~RuiN~ "contains illegal characters."

Can you fix the site so I can register my battle.net name?


Introduce Yourself / ~RuiN~@SCeast joined
« on: November 10, 2017, 11:54:03 pm »
Nice to meet you guys.

My name on bnet east is ~RuiN~

Quick facts
Started playing the SC demo in 1998.
Got full version of SC in december of 1998.
Made ~RuiN~@SCEAST in 1999.
Got BW in 99 (rarely used until 06).
Played low/high mins until 2004.
Got recruited in tagless clan The Art of War in 2004 by Shinigami-X and Suntzunyc.
Participated as a TAoW in FGT fastest (TAoW ranking 6th).
Joined BW in 2006.
TAoW lasted from 2004-2009.
Clanless since 2009.
~RuiN~ account was deleted in 2016 due to inactivity.
Rejoined SCR in 2017.

I started playing Starcraft in 98 on the demo and got SC as a gift from a friend in '99 and then I got BW as another gift in 99.

I didn't play BW at first though, I wanted to master Starcraft and played low/high mins until early fast map prototypes (high/fast maps) came out.

Side note, It wasn't until about 2003-4 fastest (in america) was getting around to being perfected into it's current setup (one mineral field, 10 gas).

In 1999, I made the illy ~RuiN~ on east and got 3200-450-50.

In 2004 I came across AoW members on east named Shinigami-X and Suntzunyc who recruited me into the AoW fastest map clan AoW, which later became clan TAoW (channel Clan TAoW from op AoW on east).

TAoW was a tagless, SC only clan that followed Suntzunyc's Art of War writings and was difficult to get into. They liked to end games as quickly as possible.
People had to hang out with TAoW for months to get recognized. Because of this we had a lot of non-members hanging out with us. I think some people were attracted to the clan because it was tagless. If you got accepted, they required a bear ascii to be put into your profile.

I appreciated TAoW more than others because it was tagless. Blizzard banned certain characters (ie ~!@#$%^&*()) in account names during creation so I knew my record was all I had and was driven to try harder each time I played.

Clan TAoW participated in FGT fastest tournament and ranked 6th on SC east.

We were recognized by SCD, channel cristal, and many others.

At one point on our forums (clanaow.org), we had more than one hundred listed members.

TAoW didn't play BW and lasted on SC east from 2003-2009.

Last I knew the clan went west and to SC2 and died, the website went down and I've not seen any of them since.

When the clan disbanded, I went to BW and have played since.

I was inactive in 2016 and lost my original ~RuiN~ account and had to restart.

Some of my thoughts on SC is I've always wanted to join a tournament and I have always dreamt of having a great 2v2 partner.

In 2017, SCR was announced and I started a new record.

Pages: [1]

Season Info

SCW Season 49
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: Nov 11 - Dec 22
1 QlolQ35-9
2 LgX[SaTurN-40-9
3 L-Mx]Don~25-3
4 Adler[aV]29-10
5 pGf.CryptoBro21-11

1 LeGenD]GohaN49-18
2 L-Mx]Don~81-45
3 LeGenD]ZetA71-48
4 KA`GallO64-47
5 ThaNaToZ~St.N|143-16

Prize Pool:

Help keep the league active.


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