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Pages: [1]
Banned Players / Re: *BANNED Pro]Turbo/Robotoss
« on: September 28, 2017, 06:20:19 pm »
Not to mention that i had to copy and paste that long comment because stalker erased it the first time lol. Nope not bias at all.

General Discussion / Re: Will Season 2 be original SC?
« on: September 28, 2017, 06:18:25 pm »
there won't be a season 2. If there is its because i'm busy but i promiss you that there won't be a season 3. Think what u all want but youll see. u won't have to worry about this stuff.

Banned Players / Re: *BANNED Pro]Turbo/Robotoss
« on: September 28, 2017, 06:17:25 pm »
Come on stalker??? Wheres uub's ban for saying "idiot" in a thread?? Wheres puppys ban for personally attacking me??????? Wheres those "thread comments" and "korean complaints" about me being raciest??
Yea i thought so dipshit. I can't wait to ruin this league. Lying piece of shit.

Banned Players / Re: *BANNED Pro]Turbo/Robotoss
« on: September 28, 2017, 06:15:47 pm »
wow uub just called me an idiot. BAN HIM RIGHT NOW. GO BAN HIM!!!!! I got banned for saying "must of hit a nerve" about cole. So i think calling someone an "idiot" is much worse. BAN him from the league right now. gogogogogogoggogoggogogggoo! oh wait... that won't happen will it? only happens to me. it won't matter in a few weeks anyhow because i'm never gonna change my mind about ruining this site and others that will be put up in its place. I'll pay some dork 2k just to make this happen and all because u didn't wanna give me prize money :D. And stfu ubb. you'll never be good in this game no matter how much you play. You've already proven that game after game with your losing record each and every season. your a joke in sc and even more in bw.

Banned Players / Re: *BANNED Pro]Turbo/Robotoss
« on: September 28, 2017, 06:08:20 pm »
Its funny ( matt again :D!!!!!!!) but right before that stalker loser made that post he banned my other account so i couldn't call him out on his lies lmfao!!.
Where is the raciest thing i posted in the threads stalker??? come on.... still waiting...???? yea thought so you fucking liar.
I like how you switched from "posting raciest things" to "koreans reported he was being raciest" lmfao go's to show what a moron u really are. You get caught in so many lies to try to make yourself look ledgit. its not working...
Not one korean has "reported" me for being raciest because i've never said anything bad about them in any forme, game or channel u idiot. Just another lie...
And even if i did say anything bad about them in the channel or in a game whos fucking cares??? r u the battle.net police or something, nerd? Do you police the whole internet now?? You have a tiny but a power over this site so stick to that u lying piece of shit.. I can't wait for him to say something like "u can't say certain things in channel or games" now lol. apparently u can't say anything bad about anyone anywhere hey? What ppl say in games and in the lobby is there own business and none of yours on this site dipshit.... Not to mention that you're lying about the whole thing because there wasn't one complaint from a korean saying i was "raciest". You are caught in a lie and trying to dig yourself out of a hole now.
Why don't you post ONE single comment from a korean saying how i was raciest and the proof? I'll tell you why. BECAUSE there isn't one lol. lying piece of trash... Keep on eraseing this post like u just did so no one can see it lol sad little kid.
You'll just go on to say something like "i don't think its right to post what they say private to me" or something like that to try to cover your ass and make up more lies. pathetic noob...
ANOTHER THING u posted was the rape the run over shit right??? Why don't u fucking scroll up about 3 lines in that thread dipshit?? They are the one who BRING THAT UP. i never even brought that up but "puppy" DID. did he get a warning???? Did he get a ban???? NOPE. not a single thing was said to him and the others who BROUGHT THAT UP. i just continued on with something that was brought up and i'm the one who gets called out for it? LMFAO not bias hey? Fucking piece of shit liar man. thats all u r! Watch him ban this account and make up more bullshit now lol. Pathetic.

Banned Players / Re: *BANNED Pro]Turbo/Robotoss
« on: September 28, 2017, 06:05:30 pm »
BAHAHAHA he just erased my whole comment lmfaooooooo what a bias, bullshit league.

Pages: [1]

Season Info

SCW Season 49
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: Nov 11 - Dec 22
1 QlolQ35-9
2 LgX[SaTurN-40-9
3 L-Mx]Don~25-3
4 Adler[aV]29-10
5 pGf.CryptoBro21-11

1 LeGenD]GohaN49-18
2 L-Mx]Don~81-45
3 LeGenD]ZetA71-48
4 KA`GallO64-47
5 ThaNaToZ~St.N|143-16

Prize Pool:

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