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General Discussion / Re: xS.Day and Kokanee are Racist Losers« on: February 24, 2025, 02:42:42 pm »
Imagine being a grown man and having your feelings hurt on the internet.. does everyone in America wear heels and a skirt ?
General Discussion / Re: xS.Day and Kokanee are Racist Losers« on: February 24, 2025, 12:48:53 pm »
I love Mexicans
General Discussion / Re: 2s SHOWMATCH OFFER!!! LETS SEE IT!« on: December 23, 2024, 09:51:56 am »
GGs Team Cancun B 3-1 vs hydra/evil
reps posted in scw you can send the 50$ to larry 5
General Discussion / Re: Donate train for next season?!« on: October 18, 2024, 12:55:44 pm »
Can you do a TikTok on ur sticker collection
General Discussion / Re: Scw map is broken« on: April 04, 2024, 07:10:35 pm »on another note. tell that coward to keep my name out of his mouth. the guy is obsessed with me stone. always wants to talk shit behind the curtains says the guy who waits weeks for me to log on only to follow me into every single game i join. also kind of ironic that you spend every day of your life trying to act like a tough guy picking fights with everyone with the safety of sitting behind your computer. when its highly unlikely youd even be able to be confrontational with any of these people in real life with you being a 5'5 125 lb scrawny dork. its funny that i was told i could no longer make fun of riddick or my account would be banned, due to the fact "autism is effecting his day to day life" stop using autism as an excuse for a being a lazy depressed loser and maybe try to put real work into ur life and not just live off the government. its like you guys are in denial that you are just finding out for the first time there is a 50 count mineral stack on a map we have all played for 20+ years. 7
General Discussion / Re: David dodging me scw« on: October 04, 2023, 07:13:26 pm »
Damn you guys might possible be the two biggest dorks this websites ever seen
General Discussion / Re: HYDRA VS BRAIN« on: August 14, 2023, 02:13:37 pm »
Tbh hydra look at you on sc.. look at you on the forums, you’ve become the new day , your literally arguing with everyone trying to create the slightest bit of excitement in your boring life. Hell even day finally got a job and leaves the house more than you .
I think you don’t realize maybe 5% of sc actually takes this game as seriously as you do “. Something to think about Enjoy ur summer 9
News / Re: SCW32 2v2 TOURNAMENT REPORT THREAD« on: August 14, 2023, 01:55:11 pm »
For someone who claims to make a lot of money “forex trading” you sure do beg a lot for money on here.. especially from Peruvians
News / Re: SCW32 2v2 TOURNAMENT REPORT THREAD« on: August 14, 2023, 01:50:48 pm »Don't limit the truth cole. It's not just summer. Year round 11
News / Re: SCW32 2v2 TOURNAMENT REPORT THREAD« on: August 14, 2023, 01:27:31 pm »
Not everyone spends there entire summer inside playing sc
Support Center / Re: Ridd1cK hacking/obs cheating« on: February 04, 2023, 02:01:16 am »
Why is fainers name yellow
General Discussion / Fainers elevator service« on: January 07, 2023, 09:00:07 pm »
First elevator ride on fainer . 2-4 vs sword 01/07/2023
Happy riding. 14
Support Center / Re: Dingo cheating« on: December 21, 2022, 07:06:47 pm »
rjb your reaching hard, its obvious you have lack of knowledge of this game and even more obvious how biased you are.
Game 1: What do you think i said, "you should go stim MM, my crystal obs ball tells me in 3 minutes he wont add any more sunks"? who goes MM and then doesnt try to attack? so it must have been about the choice to even get stim and meds was the cheat? and how would obs know scan wouldn't make more sunks in that time interval? Clearly if he has too many sunks he just pulls back. Game 2: Clearly pvz on top is an advantage later the game goes on. Yes he sends a zealot to scout and only sees 1 sunk. meaning scans playing greedy, and p has two options to lose to early on. A) mass hydras(where hus plays safe and cans choke) OR B) Fast mutas(which hus also plays safe throws 2 cans immediately down on his main and adds a starport. 15
Support Center / Re: Dingo cheating« on: December 21, 2022, 05:54:42 pm »Rjb “ There is 2 people cheating vs my husband scan but I won’t say who because it’s just speculation in the end, but I’ll also post hate towards the league on my 20 Smurf forum accounts” Doesn’t take a scientist to read between the lines of your first cry post. Since you and me were the only one obsing scan vs hus. Lets hear your breakdown on the game . I’m really curious, I’m sure hus is to. Does his games not count vs gom to? Since ur logic is that Koreans are incapable of losing without cheat |