« on: January 17, 2024, 02:45:03 pm »
Legend]David here.
I agree with what's going on reeko. I was suspended for "talking back" to Riddick. Tbh I'm glad I haven't been playing at all. I've doubled my business since and couldn't be happier. So, thank you admins for being unfair.
I'm not sure why Riddick hasn't been banned. He talks nonstop crap and literally starts 90% of sc drama then cries when someone talks back to him. Btw, isn't racism against scw rules? Watch some of his games vs superwilcha(alex) last couple seasons. There was two games where he couldn't stop calling him a dirty Mexican.
I truly believe that there is some corruption here. Yes I promised sword I wouldn't engage with him and hydra which is why I got muted but Riddick isn't muted?? Sorry sword, but I honestly couldn't keep my mouth shut when Riddick was bullying 3 other gamers for no reason.
I dont have any beef with you hydra. Our issues got out of control but overall, you are a gm player. When you lose, you say gg and leave. And that's what everyone should do. Riddick, on the other hand throws non stop racist comments and makes entire forums to cause useless drama.
Anyways, good luck sc community and it was a blast. I appreciate everything you've done with the league sword and I know there's only so much you can do. Just a small suggestion that RIDDICK SHOULD BE BANNED.