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[General Discussion ] Donating Train!!!!!! by Ridd1cK[DFWM] Today at 04:48:01 am
[News] SCW Season 50 by Lucas December 23, 2024, 09:34:11 pm
[General Discussion ] 2s SHOWMATCH OFFER!!! LETS SEE IT! by RoNin December 23, 2024, 01:52:28 pm
[Support Center] Remove game ID# 1378 by Mamba December 23, 2024, 12:22:16 am
[Support Center] Re: LMX]MiMetIc REPORTED LOSS GAME. REMOVE Match ID# 1340 by Spartano(DibU) December 22, 2024, 10:30:28 am


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Messages - LaMota[xXx]

Pages: [1] 2 3
Support Center / remove this 0.8s game pls
« on: May 17, 2024, 01:06:07 pm »
Remove this please 1 second game....

SCW Season 45 1v1 - Match ID# 434

Match of the Week / Re: Announcement of 1vs1 BO5 Showdown: HyDrA vs Brain
« on: November 20, 2023, 12:27:25 pm »
I didn't get to see any of the BM, but I respect Brain for being the best 1v1 fast map player to ever exist.

I respect Hydra for being the best 1v1 fast map NA player to ever exist.

I understand the differences between KRN and Foreign FMP culture of play. I understand they don't mass cannons on principle and their map is more balanced.

But I also don't care. Game was played on our map inside our cultural sphere of the game.

So, IMO, cry more Brain (even though you the GOAT).

Side notes:
Nobody has ever beaten Brain's P, and Hydra did it. That's pretty fucking cool. Spot advantage or not, there's not another foreign player that's going to do that.
Nobody has lasted as long as Z vs Brain ever on our map, and Hydra did it. And the first ZvT was actually pretty competitive.

This is literally Brain's full time job, and he's the best to ever do it. The fact that Hydra won once, and had at least one other competitive game is pretty awesome.

First rational and logical comment.

Would try to do SCW. But open to what the community wants and thoughts.

I always watch your videos, great content, the cast is entertaining and very fluid, but it would be interesting if you put the date of the games to know if they are recent or old games, by the way, Hydra is the best player in the history of West, so much hate to the little guy, people should be more respectful because hes the one who took the face over the fence to compete koreans, not to mention defjam and josé even though he is uglier than an old mule people dont like them but theyre are the few onces.

General Discussion / Re: Bill cooper
« on: June 26, 2022, 03:21:04 pm »
Don't remain in blissful ignorance wake up before its too late. Time will prove bill cooper more and more correct. https://youtu.be/5egUlUrNZ3U


Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm Andre your league exists because of me
« on: February 16, 2022, 08:42:13 pm »
cheese was the best indisputably from that time... also cheese came back in vgt and he was able to be in the top...

Support Center / -Ank]SinManos Abuse
« on: January 20, 2022, 10:31:22 pm »
Remove this game and put me as a winner because i told this guy i was gonna go to the bathdroom and he unpaused when i wasnt there and i didnt take not even 2 minutes wich the rule says its 3 minutes...so i leave the game wich it was a very long game also



« on: October 02, 2021, 01:21:13 am »
Ryoji & thebayarea
kokanee & Mafia.Hunter

Support Center / Re: [cku]Gino likes freepoints
« on: September 25, 2021, 01:48:59 pm »

Support Center / [cku]Gino likes freepoints
« on: September 24, 2021, 02:55:23 pm »
This guy reported a game that he loosed, you should ban this kind of people triying win freepoints and making other players spend time in bullshit

Match ID# 1662

Support Center / Re: Remove game
« on: October 11, 2020, 12:16:17 am »

Support Center / Re: Would you do your job?
« on: October 08, 2020, 11:43:38 pm »

Support Center / Would you do your job?
« on: October 08, 2020, 10:53:11 am »
SCW Season 20 1v1 - Match ID# 3191

Random[s) uploaded a game that I beat him as if he had won it


Support Center / Remove this game
« on: October 04, 2020, 07:14:05 pm »
SCW Season 20 1v1 - Match ID# 3191

Random[s) uploaded a game that I beat him as if he had won it


He needs to have some sanction for his deplorable behavior and waste time for both me and you


Support Center / Remove game
« on: October 04, 2020, 03:36:17 pm »
SCW Season 20 1v1 - Match ID# 3191

Random post it like if he would win when he loose the game remove the game and punish hem ...

Introduce Yourself / Re: BattleCheese- // MafiaCheese-
« on: October 03, 2020, 12:57:34 pm »
It's been a really long time since I've played. I recently reinstalled and have been playing a few pub games for nostalgias sake, and learned of this community. Been hanging around in op ugl- here and there and encountered a few players from back in the day.

A few of my Akas, the first 2 were before the creation of SCD and VGT.


I started playing shortly after broodwar was released, and got hooked on fmp pretty quick. Before there were leagues, there were clans with bots that kept records of clan battles in their channels (somehow everyone had a winning record vs everyone else xD). Some of my fondest memories were large scale clan battles vs Dr.andre's crew and the infamous west vs east tournament. I was one of the first players to random in 1v1s, as everyone just picked protoss back then. I was able to take games off of the top players with terran after a while, which was unheard of back then. Squall and Andre were the people i remember most from back then, I would be curious to see if they are still around or have popped in recently.

After scd was established, i reluctantly decided to play in season 2 despite it being on vanilla, which to me is a very boring way to play without the addition of bw units. I went something like 165-12 and won that season, and then played more actively in VGT, winning a few leagues there. I quit shortly after, came back for a couple months again before sc2 was released, and then quit for good when i started getting into Dota.

Im curious to see who stuck around all this time, who came back from the dead when remastered or covid-19 hit, who has popped in and out for nostalgias sake, and what everyone has been up to. Without social media and the battle.net launcher, i lost contact with almost everyone i used to play with.

I would love to hear about everything that's happened in the fmp world since the release of sc2, which was what 10 years ago?

Great welcome back

Pages: [1] 2 3

Season Info

SCW Season 50
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: Dec 25 - Feb 9
1 Brother[gK]7-0
2 L-Mx]MiMeTiC2-0
3 K1llShOt2-0
4 ~Yoko~1-0
5 Sc.T[R]DivO-1-0

1 -]KL[-ZeuZ3-0
2 -]K[L-ZeuZ3-0
3 Drk[E]Viper3-0
4 La.Kn1cks3-0
5 Creator-0-0

Help keep the league active.


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