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[General Discussion ] Who do you think is the biggest dodger in SCW51? by BigPappa Today at 02:28:11 pm
[Banned Players] ViperClass free winning on last day by Ridd1cK[DFWM] Today at 09:23:56 am
[News] Please Pray for HyDrA & Help However You Can by Ridd1cK[DFWM] March 30, 2025, 02:27:28 am
[General Discussion ] Where's Chooch? by Patriotic.Newb March 29, 2025, 11:38:40 pm
[Clans] SoLo by Ridd1cK[DFWM] March 29, 2025, 10:51:36 pm


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Messages - FaINeR

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 26
Banned Players / Re: ViperClass free winning on last day
« on: Today at 01:20:26 am »
The GUILTY guy appeared, the bad thing is that he is not Kokane UGL Times

Introduce Yourself / Re: Kokanee Live Stream
« on: March 24, 2025, 11:12:15 pm »
Is Runkoka

General Discussion / Re: Top 5 and tournament at end of season
« on: February 10, 2025, 08:44:57 pm »
The tournaments have always been the top 4. Don vs divo, winner vs evil and winner vs goldscv. If divo does not want to play so reeko sub and if reeko does not want to play so adler sub. and if adler dont want to play so the tourney only top 3. Simply.

 Good luck

General Discussion / Re: KoKaNee 1v1 bo9
« on: January 18, 2025, 07:15:34 pm »
riddick will win 

General Discussion / Re: 2s SHOWMATCH OFFER!!! LETS SEE IT!
« on: December 23, 2024, 10:54:43 am »
Yes pGf]Wild3r- (Larry) deserve this prize won  5-1 vs Legends hydra, evil and gohan yesterday.

General Discussion / Re: Gg Eazy Pubbasher
« on: September 22, 2024, 01:03:22 pm »
I'm disappointed that ggeazy has the chance to win the easiest season of all scw seasons and yet he still looks for the most rookies in rank D to gain points. For me it's boring to play like this, it's like wasting time playing against rivals that you know you win every time. It's okay if it's a bo7 but not 30+ games. It looks pathetic, in my previous message I told him I hope for good games against thanatoz, don, but you don't even have to play them anymore, now he has more accessible rivals to win the league with dignity like gallo, wilcha, omni, adler and even riddick.

You win a season just by mass of games playing against rookies. Good strategy. But it looks bad.

I admit that stone was the source of the problem but hydra fell in his game. Even so, the league needs activity and a lighter punishment would have been the most convenient. But if the other players made the mistake of giving fws they also deserved their punishments, it's that simple.

Obviously avoiding these problems would avoid a final tournament of the season but since there is no prize it is not worth it.

This is how a league can be won by 2 players who agree to play only between themselves. That is why winning tournaments is more valuable.

Ggeazy now has a challenge to beat all the rank B with enough games, against each one. Don't dodge thanatoz, dingo and gallo, let's prove it.

I don't agree, lucas was a proud administrator, he didn't like to listen to advice. He made bad decisions many times, the last one banning 2 players was unfair, if he was going to ban he should have banned the 6 players too. I know they don't play vs hydra but there's no way around it, but he did his fws anyway. He could have banned them from the forum or put an abuser sticker on it, not banning them from league activity, that was his mistake. He banned riddick from an event years ago just as an excuse to ban Stone and thus please his friends.

He had 2 options, banning the 6 players for a short period of time or doing nothing, turning a deaf ear. He made that decision to ban him for 4 months and he doesn't even play the league, meaning he doesn't care about the league's activity and he doesn't care either because he doesn't play. Terrible on his part.

Then he made other mistakes that sword had to solve for him.
I won't tell. peace

But it should be noted that he also did great things like doing showmatches vs Koreans, being more attentive than sword to the small complaints of the players, etc.

Dep as Admin lucas xD

General Discussion / Re: Riddick unbanned but not stone? Craaaazy
« on: September 08, 2024, 02:54:37 pm »

Support Center / Re: Cole playing on people’s accounts including mine
« on: August 22, 2024, 01:49:08 pm »
Ridd1cK[DFWM] can i ask how old are you? maybe go to the police with this. omg who cares this game is 50 years old , don't complain about your colleagues....

Don't belittle starcraft. There can't be any drama just because it's an old game.

Support Center / Re: Cole playing on people’s accounts including mine
« on: August 21, 2024, 11:57:22 pm »
Riddick accepted his apology. Now play vs rooster, don't worry about the hydra.

Now all that's left is for Ronin to apologize to me for share his account to Kokane vs me in 1vs1, well the difference is that both received the punishment for lending the account to Cole. Sword was at a crossroads but in the end he did justice. Ronin I'm waiting to be humble.

We did do bo5 even the season before fainer and I won lol So stop whining. Lmfao.

Me wrong? right there it says you said last season so I checked scw 45 and just in case scw 44 and that bo5 was almost 7 months ago. You're crazy you should just accepted that you only play me bo1 and nothing happens it's normal that many people play me that way, that's why I should try to win the first game it's my fault.

i guess first time bo5 vs me and was season scw 42, not season scw 45. so you lied .

We did do bo5 even the season before fainer and I won lol So stop whining. Lmfao.

Lie lier i checked and our last game was on the season scw 44 and was bo1 gg no re jajajajajajajajajaja typical. Stop excuses busy but vs rank D never busy

2 games in a row I had to wait half an hour for you to get brave. I don't like to play you because I'm uncertain, this scaredy-cat is only going to play bo1 against me and so I start to play badly. I know you fear me because you only play bo1 against me. The other players izumi and many rank D bo9 players.

Usually people who win one and leave is because they don't feel capable of winning more games and prefer to annoy their rival gg no re.

This ggeazy how funny that he beats me, say it when you beat me 2 bo9 in a row so there will be more respect.

which to set time vs the other players if you can play as much as you want. Yes I accept that the last games I have lost but before that I was winning. It is relative who get more the race prottos will have more chance of winning. The point is that if we meet in bnet and before starting the game we agree bo7 that it is done and not running away after a game, I am not going to set a schedule on the forum. It is in the channel perhaps vs rank D you set a schedule before.

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 26

Season Info

SCW Season 51
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: Feb 13 - Mar 31
1 Jr-Donkey116-28
2 Don~92-28
3 LeGenD]EviL60-14
4 Resoud128-93
5 Nid_Hoggr.131-127

1 Jr-Donkey94-45
2 6ixGAWD68-25
3 -]K[L-ZeuZ68-36
4 LeGenD]ZetA56-33
5 IHateThisGame6936-14

Help keep the league active.


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