« on: October 02, 2020, 05:06:09 pm »
It's been a really long time since I've played. I recently reinstalled and have been playing a few pub games for nostalgias sake, and learned of this community. Been hanging around in op ugl- here and there and encountered a few players from back in the day.
A few of my Akas, the first 2 were before the creation of SCD and VGT.
I started playing shortly after broodwar was released, and got hooked on fmp pretty quick. Before there were leagues, there were clans with bots that kept records of clan battles in their channels (somehow everyone had a winning record vs everyone else xD). Some of my fondest memories were large scale clan battles vs Dr.andre's crew and the infamous west vs east tournament. I was one of the first players to random in 1v1s, as everyone just picked protoss back then. I was able to take games off of the top players with terran after a while, which was unheard of back then. Squall and Andre were the people i remember most from back then, I would be curious to see if they are still around or have popped in recently.
After scd was established, i reluctantly decided to play in season 2 despite it being on vanilla, which to me is a very boring way to play without the addition of bw units. I went something like 165-12 and won that season, and then played more actively in VGT, winning a few leagues there. I quit shortly after, came back for a couple months again before sc2 was released, and then quit for good when i started getting into Dota.
Im curious to see who stuck around all this time, who came back from the dead when remastered or covid-19 hit, who has popped in and out for nostalgias sake, and what everyone has been up to. Without social media and the battle.net launcher, i lost contact with almost everyone i used to play with.
I would love to hear about everything that's happened in the fmp world since the release of sc2, which was what 10 years ago?