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[Support Center] Dingo cheating by Ridd1cK[DFWM] December 20, 2024, 03:52:46 am
[Support Center] Please remove game Match ID# 1243 by RoNin December 19, 2024, 10:05:54 pm
[General Discussion ] QlolQ by Ridd1cK[DFWM] December 15, 2024, 03:46:11 am
[Support Center] Jose cheating by Mamba December 14, 2024, 02:01:39 pm
[Support Center] Please remove invalid game Match ID# 1065 by Mamba December 14, 2024, 02:45:27 am


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Messages - BeatZ-

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 16
General Discussion / Re: Watch me stream StormGate!
« on: August 11, 2024, 12:26:32 am »
ill watch this stream until ronin gets a winning record in 1s. expect a life time sub asap


News / Re: SCW Season 44 - 1v1 Season End Tournament Announcement
« on: May 05, 2024, 09:57:39 am »
Has anybody streamed the replays yet for the 2s?

General Discussion / Re: Top 8 finals
« on: April 28, 2024, 03:57:23 pm »
make it top 4.

Why would anybody want a smaller tourney? lol

Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm back! MaFia.Azazel / PoPe[or]DoPe
« on: April 08, 2024, 10:12:37 pm »
Wassup Duncan! Welcome back!

Clans / Re: [VcK] vs [gK] - Clan War (Discussion thread)
« on: March 05, 2024, 10:22:51 am »
I wonder who fairy is, she sounds ugly.

News / Re: Season 44 has arrived !
« on: March 01, 2024, 07:13:08 pm »
Donated the 25 for 2s that I said I would. Goodluck everybody

I had a bunch of people who "taught" me at different stages.

First was Pace]eP[ (Elite Playerz - a very big pub clan very early 2000's) taught me the basics of fastest.

The person to really sit down with me and assist with 1v1 strategies was G)A-String // sixthstring - we played probably 4-8 hours a day working on different counter builds and starts.

but I had plenty of different teachers at different times;

Gnarly[KaC] Would help me with micro vs rushes
9iNe]StK (xA.ChangDeWei) would mass games vs me to improve
LuNaTyK-RobTon (HiGHLorD) would help me PvP

(missing a lot of others but its been so god damn long lol)

Too many people to even begin to remember could even mention oftrees and tekniq would work on 2s with me.

ChangDaWei, DefJam, Jose, Dinko are a few 1vs1 Season Winners that is still around on this League!
ChangDaWei doesnt play anymore... why do you say things that you have no clue about. david hasnt played in years

Dude got me excited David was a good friend. sad days

Oftrees is Steve?

I'm not able to compete with the 200+ APM players so I've been trying to focus on brain knowledge over winning physically.

Offtrees was Brandon. He had a partner who was named offlove maybe your thinking of him.

I had a bunch of people who "taught" me at different stages.

First was Pace]eP[ (Elite Playerz - a very big pub clan very early 2000's) taught me the basics of fastest.

The person to really sit down with me and assist with 1v1 strategies was G)A-String // sixthstring - we played probably 4-8 hours a day working on different counter builds and starts.

but I had plenty of different teachers at different times;

Gnarly[KaC] Would help me with micro vs rushes
9iNe]StK (xA.ChangDeWei) would mass games vs me to improve
LuNaTyK-RobTon (HiGHLorD) would help me PvP

(missing a lot of others but its been so god damn long lol)

Too many people to even begin to remember could even mention oftrees and tekniq would work on 2s with me.

Miss you Sage! Those were the good ol days of StarCraft. -tekniq

General Discussion / Re: Donate Season 44
« on: February 29, 2024, 08:47:55 am »
I’ll donate another $25 towards 2s next season if we can get a bo7 at the end of the season between the top 2 teams. Top 2 players choose a partner

News / Re: SCW Season 40 - 1v1 Season End Tournament Announcement
« on: October 14, 2023, 01:19:22 pm »
Defjam winning it all!

General Discussion / Re: dramatic game, almost lost, no base
« on: September 09, 2023, 09:51:14 am »
Never hacked in my life with sithlord and ed)ccc[bnd]

You(vs.development) and pe3we3 was 2 of the biggest hackers on west for the longest time lol

General Discussion / Re: dramatic game, almost lost, no base
« on: September 08, 2023, 08:05:47 pm »
Good game, no cheaters in here like gg]eazy- thanks god... cheater noob dodger

Aren’t you one of the biggest hackers in the history of sc Luis? Lmao

Support Center / Re: Still Dumb players on this game
« on: March 07, 2023, 07:02:50 am »
Ronin , so in your opinion looking like a shemale like you is beautiful ??  ??? Hmm sorry (or not) to be a men and metrosexual. GG no re

Lmao called ronin a shemale 😂😂😂😒

Support Center / Re: AssBerger - Suspended for a month
« on: February 11, 2023, 09:06:01 am »
this makes me wanna steal people accounts and make games/messages to people and get them banned... GOSU idea ....hats off to the latinos

Wouldn’t be the first scumbag thing you’ve done on this game with how many times you have got caught hacking in the past lmao.

Support Center / Re: Ridd1cK hacking/obs cheating
« on: February 06, 2023, 10:46:33 am »
Ronin biggest scumbag on site smh

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 16

Season Info

SCW Season 49
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: Nov 11 - Dec 22
1 L-Mx]Don~49-8
2 L-mx]Cool-55-24
3 QlolQ38-9
4 LgX[SaTurN-44-10
5 MAGA-reeKo38-7

1 LeGenD]EviL102-57
2 ThaNaToZ~St.N|180-28
3 LeGenD]GohaN85-36
4 LeGenD]ZetA115-80
5 LeGenD]HyDrA41-23

Prize Pool:

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