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Messages - insaNe

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General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: May 13, 2020, 12:37:50 pm »
But did they earn it? Giving someone a spot simply because they're good is unfair to the people who grinded 5 times the amount of games to get top 5.
Look at the match count differential and the difference in points between rank 1-5 and the rest. Difference between rank 1 and 10 is 1600 points and the difference in matches played is 103.

Premier, nobody here cares about earning anything. We live in a post-modernist society now where everyone feels entitled to equity at the expense of integrity.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: May 12, 2020, 09:38:04 pm »
ASL is not an invitational tournament... You register, check in offline qualifiers and win from there = you advance to ASL stage.

I see. The information I was referencing was just for the Main Event. Thanks for the clarification.

That said, it's still not a similar format to how SCW works and therefor not an apt comparison.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: May 12, 2020, 04:48:47 pm »
The fact is that if you have several accounts from the same players in the top ten, then its rly not a "top 10 gamers" tournament. Its more like a top 7 or 8. I agree that all that hard work shouldn't go to waste but the top 10 tournament should be top ten different gamers.  The gamers that have multiple accounts in the top ten still get a top ten finish in the seasonal rankings alongside their top ten tournament games.

Might be kind of cool to implement something similar to 'home court advantage' in sports. Like if a user has multiple accounts in the top 10, they're allowed to pick 1 matchup per series vs anyone who only has 1. That way you could reward the nerds like Jose and Mandingo without alienating 14th place "A players" like SaDiStiC)DiaBlO.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: May 12, 2020, 04:39:11 pm »
Not sure why you folks all have such a huge problem with smurfs.

No smurfs, no mc, no bw units, no multiple accounts, no rvr, no race picking. I think it can be summed up as "no discomfort". You people seem to want the least amount of resistance possible to achieving B and C rank. Can't see another reasonable explanation for wanting to control so badly the way people play this game.

If Jose and Mandingo shit on everyone enough to have multiple accounts in the top 10, then they are twice (or however many accounts they have) as deserving of a chance to win SCW prize money as anyone else.

Any invitational can have whatever specifications and it seems fine, but it just seems that the league itself should be as fundamentally 'open' as possible.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: May 12, 2020, 04:27:09 pm »
agreed, if you want a more diverse tournament multiple accounts should not be allowed. The argument that multiple accounts brings activity is kind of overused. For example, the player could play just as many games on their one account. If you want a more competitive tournament, make it one account per person.
It's like saying, "lets put Flash into two brackets into ASL because he plays more than others." Not much justification

ASL is an invitational tournament, and SCW is a league. The tournament that Newbport is putting on is based off of the results of the SCW League, not an invitational of the best players. It's not a reasonable comparison.

And as for playing just as many games on their one account, it gets to a point where you need to have a secondary account or you'll be in A vs C- & B vs D situations a lot of the time. It's not conducive to the success of the higher ranking player to accept this challenge, and why should it be?

The notion that the argument is overused is a baseless claim and can be discarded.

So at this point the only points are that you want to see more players regardless of the fact they didn't earn a top 10 spot, and that somehow having B players vs S players is going to create more competition. Not sure it adds up.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: May 11, 2020, 01:45:01 pm »
I agree, One top ten account is enough and it gives other players a chance to compete.

We'll have to see what the community thinks about this as well.

Imho, having two accounts in the top pool is a feat and should be rewarded. I think you completely disincentivize multiple accounts if that's the case. Which just some quick numbers looks like a minimum of 200 league games that would have gone unplayed.

If we want to make it harder, we could implement some kind of point decay system to encourage activity among your rank which would disincentivize leaving an account stagnant in A rank.

General Discussion / Re: Can you play ORIG for SCW?
« on: May 11, 2020, 01:40:43 pm »
If all races could mind control it would be a different story. If mind control did not extend unit limit, it would also be a different story.
Protoss, already being the strongest on FMP overall, being allowed to use MC, which is stupidly easy to pull off and yields a huge game ending reward, would just add to the imbalances already present.

The way Blizzard implemented mind control was a huge mistake.

Idk dude, on their map T long game has certain advantages that are only really quelled by Protoss's ability to procure tanks. I think MC is fine for them. It's arguably fine for us, but most of our community isn't actually competitive and is completely disinterested in gaining the skills necessary to keep their units and to monitor the map (which is fine, we play this for fun).

I regularly see these pro players beating opponents who used mind control against them. It's not necessarily easy because you've got to have room for the base, money, and time to build up. In an active game, these things don't come easy. And when you do have the time, you were probably way ahead and going to win without MC anyway.

Also I'm sure the fact they only have 40 stacks of minerals helps, too.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: May 10, 2020, 06:23:49 pm »
Should gamers like mandingo that are actively dodging j.h, scan and 1v1gooo be even allowed to enter the top 5 tournament?

Yes, imho. I think if anything, the points allocation algorithm should be modified to de-incentivize that behavior (among others), but I think it's fair for people to get to top 5 by any way that is possible.

General Discussion / Re: Can you play ORIG for SCW?
« on: May 06, 2020, 10:33:56 am »
Fuck orig. It's too one-dimensional compared to BW.

Yeah the dude is unfortunately not to be trusted and has no credibility as a great player. He might be good, but he fucked up his reputation too badly to be considered a great player ever in my opinion.

Edit: And that's not to say he isn't talented or isn't a cool person. It's just that his teenage self acted in a way that tarnished his reputation as an elite gamer.

Not sure why anyone mentions Hydra. Dude hacked and deserves no credibility for his past 'achievements'.

Defjam went 50% vs Brain in SCW2 (Orig). No other foreigner was able to manage that. To me, Defjam is a close 2nd to Kokanee. No other foreigner mentioned is 'interchangeable' with him. Marine, Khai, and maybe Tyga can get real close to #3 (if they kept playing) but the rest of those people aren't even close. Some of them have really strong matchups though. Like besides Kokanee, Monte has the best TvP of any foreigner on FMP. But he's not on Defjam level.

Korean changed the top 10 rankings.
Brain(korean low money pro) destroyed everyone. He easily takes one by quite a huge margin.
1. Brain   https://liquipedia.net/starcraft/Sea.KH https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlcSsDNMYxEsem7bWY-66Q
2. Shin(played SCW beta and season 1) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-okJdotaXPlzivRzHFqzuA
3. Hoho(Inbusjaja) (retired korean starcraft streamer)
4. Rabbit   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFJcNk4d6M_dVx2nh9jsp1A/featured
5. J.H + GoldSCV korean fastest 1vs1 players.
6. Kokanee
The rest is hard to give a definitive ranking but the gap is quite considerable between 6 and 7.

Defjam? Idk about quite considerable.

Swagnificent is a genius.

Dude, we're happy to have you in La still if you wanna game with us. Have a pretty solid roster featuring some original members.

Allen you have Advocate on La tag at the moment. La loses all credibility with that...

Oh Badvocate? Idk I think we lose more credibility with Friendly to be honest. That said, it's still full of OGs who are fun to game with.

Swagnificent is a genius.

Dude, we're happy to have you in La still if you wanna game with us. Have a pretty solid roster featuring some original members.

General Discussion / Re: Shows how pathetic Brain really is...
« on: March 28, 2020, 10:28:58 pm »
Bruh the real question is why you would even make a thread about this lmao.

And it's even got a click baity title lol.

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Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 LeGenD]HyDrA91-6
2 pGf]Pescador-120-84
3 L-Mx]GallO151-139
4 Resoud60-31
5 GhOsT]~Diaura~58-35

1 LeGenD]HyDrA51-27
2 s]x54-26
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~49-25
4 L-Mx]-ThaNaThoZ40-17
5 LeGenD]EviL57-36

Help keep the league active.


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