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[General Discussion ] Who is better..... Hydra or Kokanee? by sNipEr.ScopE Today at 01:36:26 pm
[Support Center] Remove game # 97 by Lucas June 28, 2024, 03:49:20 pm
[News] SCW Season 46 has arrived ! by d3mure June 27, 2024, 04:57:11 pm


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Messages - Newbport

Pages: 1 ... 21 22 [23] 24 25 ... 30
General Discussion / SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 12:22:48 am »
Hello all, I just wanted to explain the format for the end of season tournament so it catches no one by surprise.

My goal in this new format is to have the fairest competition possible, I feel eliminating any M/U advantages will help yield this.

                      The format and rules for the tournament are as follows.

- Predetermined M/U's for every game.
- Quarter and semi finals will be a bo7.
- The finals will be a bo9
- The quarter finals will be (#2 vs #5) and (#3 vs #4).
- The semifinals will be between the winners of the preceding matches.
- The winner of the semi finals will face the #1 ranked player in the finals.

                        The quarter and semi finals M/U's are as follows.
(This is explained from the lower ranked players perspective. The lower ranked player will always start the M/U sequence.)
 ~  1st game PvT
 ~  2nd game TvP
 ~  3rd game PvZ
 ~  4th game ZvP
 ~  5th game TvZ
 ~  6th game ZvT
 ~  7th game PvP

                                     The finals M/U's are as follows.

 ~  1st game PvT
 ~  2nd game TvP
 ~  3rd game PvZ
 ~  4th game ZvP
 ~  5th game TvZ
 ~  6th game ZvT
 ~  7th game PvP
 ~  8th game TvT
 ~  9th game ZvZ

Let me know your thoughts on this format and if you think it is justified. If you think you have an idea of how to make a more fair competition let me know.

Oh and if a player has multiple accounts in the top 5 his lower ranked will be removed and replaced with the next highest ranked player.


Match of the Week / Re: Match of the Week (Submissions)
« on: April 22, 2020, 01:19:40 am »
Premier will have a field day with this.

Support Center / Re: Reported loss as win
« on: April 11, 2020, 10:07:50 am »
Fainer is Peru abuse

I don't understand it either, most peruvians are BM, abusers, ex-hackers or hard to work with. I guess it's just the way they are.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 PRIZE $$
« on: April 03, 2020, 10:27:38 pm »
With my donation and two others the prize pool should currently be at $250. It just needs to be updated.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 PRIZE $$
« on: April 03, 2020, 01:39:12 am »

General Discussion / Re: SCW 16 End of season Tournament
« on: April 02, 2020, 07:45:36 pm »
SlayerS]kG1 defeats aS]Mandingo- in the finals with a score of 5-1 and is crowned the SCW16 champion. gg's

As a result SlayerS]kG1 is awarded $100 for 1st place and aS]Mandingo- $50 for 2nd place.

Thanks for getting your games played in a timely fashion and for a great season, I hope the next is just as good.

The updated bracket is attached below.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 16 End of season Tournament
« on: April 02, 2020, 01:48:28 pm »
Nice. gl hf gg's!

General Discussion / Re: SCW 16 End of season Tournament
« on: April 02, 2020, 01:46:01 pm »
Do you guys have a set time to get your games in?

General Discussion / Re: Rabbit wants to 1v1 SCW Gosus!
« on: April 02, 2020, 01:20:06 pm »
Mandingo are you planning on getting your games in for the tournament finals?

General Discussion / Re: SCW 16 End of season Tournament
« on: April 01, 2020, 04:08:28 pm »
SlayerS]kG1 defeats AI. 4-0 and advances to the finals. gg's

The updated bracket system is attached below.

For the finals and title of SCW 16 1v1 Champion it will be SlayerS]kG1 vs aS]Mandingo- in a b09 series.

If any funny business occurs while trying to find a time to play or anything else of the sort just let me know and we can solve it.

gl hf gg!

General Discussion / Re: SCW 16 End of season Tournament
« on: March 31, 2020, 08:42:03 pm »
SlayerS]kG1 defeats Jorn 4-0 and advances to the semi finals, gg's.

The updated bracket system is attached below.

For the semi finals it will be SlayerS]kG1 vs AI. b07. Please try to get your games in in a timely fashion.

If need be I will try to find a time for both of you to play. gl hf gg.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 PRIZE $$
« on: March 31, 2020, 07:32:24 pm »
What premier said

General Discussion / Re: SCW 16 End of season Tournament
« on: March 31, 2020, 02:29:41 pm »
AI. wins 4-0 vs West)Stalife and advances to the semi finals. gg's

Don't get me wrong Tom is cool af and a good guy but I never understood why he was revered as such a great gamer.

People are always claiming how he was the greatest of all time yet he failed to show anything of that caliber in UGL and was eventually caught hacking again, not to mention his low APM.

I would put Kokanee, Tyga, Omni, Defjam and Kon above Hydra any day. I guess I just don't understand the hype behind his gaming, nothing more than a top 10 player even with his hacking.

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Season Info

SCW Season 46
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: Jun 26 - Aug 11
1 Ridd1ck[VcK]13-1
2 PuFFiN[gK]13-4
3 MannerZerG13-6
4 pGf]Pescador-15-10
5 GhOsT]MeGa12-5

1 momo[gk]18-6
2 RoNin[gK]14-4
3 Pappa[gK]16-10
4 TealSilverSteal6-1
5 Blaze[gK]10-12

Help keep the league active.


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