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Messages - Newbport

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General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 02:42:36 pm »
It's comical how a simple format change on a dying game can completely flip some people's lives upside down.

I feel some of you have lost your perspective on life. This is ridiculous.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 01:55:56 pm »
You say it doesn't work for fastest while presenting no evidence. Like Fainer said, the Korean fastest scene uses the predetermined format for their tournaments and they have by far higher caliber players than the West.

And I agree, a test tournament with the predetermined M/U format should be hosted before implementing it into the finals. Again that is why I created this thread a month before the tournament; to see how everyone feels about the idea.

And your sports analogies are way off base. First off no one is a 'pro' here, we don't get paid millions of dollars a year to do this, we aren't broadcasted on a major networks, we aren't talked about by the general public.... I could go on forever. This is a small community with a select few who even play this game. You really think the NBA would implement a rule change right before the finals? This isn't the NBA my friend this is starcraft.

And I have been taking criticism with more than a grain of salt, I've been open to all opinions made by anyone and responded respectfully.

It is you who resorted to name calling; something that children tend to do.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 01:16:30 pm »
You can disagree with my point of view that's fine, we are all entitled to our opinions.

You don't have to use derogatory terms such as 'idiot' or 'moronic' to get your point across, let's be adults here.

I still disagree that predetermined will make things more imbalanced, it hasn't been tried yet.

If my idea is so flawed why does the current #1 ranked player agree with my format? I'm sure he has sufficient knowledge of the game.

In the end though if Sword or the community wants it RvR, it will be that.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 12:35:16 pm »
I agree, I will reach out and send personal messages to many competitors.

And again, Sword does have the final say in the tournament format, he is the one who makes this whole thing even possible.

Also I agree with the vetoing immediately as opposed to waiting 2-3 minutes. Maybe this vetoing idea could help make the tournament more balanced.

And @ Kon

The only thing i was 'keen' on was creating a more fair tournament, there is a reason I posted this thread as early as I did; to hear the opinions of the community.

And just a little tip, your bm is doing nothing positive for the small community that still exists. You need to calm down.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 12:17:28 pm »
All of this is speculation.

None of us actually know what will happen with the predetermined M/U's as it has never been done before. It's almost impossible to predict the future.

I agree that the map is one of the biggest flaws but M/U's are a bigger flaw.

Protoss will always have the advantage, even when mid with the other player above them. I've seen countless games of top players winning as mid P with their opponent above them.

Temp drops are the biggest flaw of FMP.

Like I said I will let the community decide what they think is most fair.

And @ Robotik

I like the idea, you will have to be more specific in explaining it though if it's to be taken seriously.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 11:33:10 am »
Why do you have to call my idea 'stupid'? I'm just trying to come up with an idea to make things more balanced on a clearly imbalanced map.

I donate money to the prize pools to help keep this great game alive and to attract the best competition possible. I'm not trying to 'ruin' anything, you look at me as if I were some kind of criminal.

I'm just trying to host a more fair tournament.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 10:38:32 am »
I agree with the multiple account thing, league activity is the end game goal here. I was just unsure of how to go about running the brackets. I will probably adopt kons idea of using the top 6,7,etc. If someone has multiple accounts.

If anyone has a better idea of how to go about dealing with  multiple top accounts let me know.

I agree determining the format for the tournament needs to happen as fast as it can. The tournament is a little less than a month away. I want to see more people's perspectives first before making any decisions.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 10:22:01 am »
We'll let the community decide and when the time comes the Top 5 decide.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 09:37:53 am »
I like the multiple account idea, if that happens a top 6 or top 7 will be used.

I definitely see your point Kon but still I respectfully disagree.

For your PvZ argument. Fast tech doesn't automatically win a game vs zerg, it can absolutely be countered. I've seen many games where the P goes fast drops and get's countered by early hydras and or lings. Anything can be countered.

I feel basically any advantage a player has in a certain M/U the other player also has. For the TvZ bunk rush fast gas M/U advantage, the zerg also has that same advantage; knowing their opponents race, they will then be able to counter. It's not like one player knows their opponents race while the other doesn't.

And this is nothing like the NFL or the NBA. These sports are almost completely balanced during the regular and post season. There is a reason during the playoffs (in the NBA) the teams switch courts after a certain number of games, to remove any home court advantage one team may have.

Sithlord was frowned upon because he picked the most OP race every game, and he is bitch made. If someone picked Zerg every game I don't think many would be complaining, also both players are picking giving each a chance to consider any advantages of the M/U.

Low money players play specialize in one race. The match ups I have listed include all races, I don't see any advantages here for low money players.

In last seasons tournament the winner got protoss 11/14 games, and RvR is fair? Anyone who knows the FMP game style knows Protoss is by far the most broken race and even more broken when played by a top level gamer.

In the winner's semi finals series his opponent who is a good player and who put a lot of time into the season got Mid z every single game and lost 0-4. This was one of the most unfair things I have ever seen. I would rather have a spot disadvantage for a game than to get mid ZvP four games in a row.

And upon watching the replays of last season's tournament multiple players complained about bad M/U's.
I agree, they were.

I still feel pre determined M/U's is the fairest route to go. I mean getting P 11/14 games is fucking ridiculous, it's not starcraft.

In the end I just want to see the fairest competition possible. We will let the community decide, maybe taking a poll for just those competing is the route to go.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 01:35:52 am »
@ scan1014

There is a poll posted at the top of the thread.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 01:30:06 am »

That is true, the league has always been played RvR.

It just pains me to see players get unfavorable M/U's in their series, it leaves them without a fair chance of winning after all the time and effort they put into the league.

I think the only way to solve this is to ask the community.
If the community votes for RvR then RvR it will be, and vice versa.

In the end I just want to see the fairest competition possible.

A poll has been posted, if you're reading this please vote!


General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 01:25:47 am »
See below comment.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 01:08:57 am »
@ Dryfly

I definitely see your point and respectfully disagree.

The great aspect of this game is that any strategy can be countered.
A protoss going fast tech can be countered.
A choking terran can also be countered.
Everything can be countered with enough game sense and APM.

I don't see the point in a player putting in the time to play 200+ games just to get Mid ZvP 4 games in a row, that's not starcraft. Anyone who has played this game knows having a mid spot vs a high level player is an absolute disadvantage, there is no argument. 

Also, there are always M/U complaints at the end of tournaments. I seek to have none of these.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 12:55:40 am »
@ DryFly

How could predetermined M/U's be abused?

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 23, 2020, 12:52:08 am »
@ AI.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying.

So for the 7th game in either the quarter or semi finals you want the M/U to be either PvP, TvT or ZvZ?

How would the M/U be decided?

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Season Info

SCW Season 46
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: Jun 26 - Aug 11
1 Ridd1ck[VcK]13-1
2 MannerZerG14-6
3 PuFFiN[gK]13-4
4 pGf]Pescador-15-10
5 GhOsT]MeGa12-5

1 momo[gk]19-6
2 RoNin[gK]14-4
3 Pappa[gK]16-10
4 TealSilverSteal6-1
5 Blaze[gK]10-12

Help keep the league active.


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