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Messages - insaNe

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Support Center / Re: remove game.
« on: April 15, 2019, 12:48:38 pm »
Most of what you have said is either made up, comprised of half truths to fit your narrative, or just ad hominem.

That's how shit talking on the internet works, dumbass.

ur the one who is mad. stupid cunt xD i am just constantly laughing about how pathetic you are.

it wasnt a lost game we had the upper hand, you left because you were triggered by "go attack" "and you dont attack enough".

but you are probably too stupid to comprehend even easiest things.

So ill explain it as if you were five years old:

"I only play fastest for the lulz, and like to troll. I do not care about winning or losing, even if I lose due to trolling. but you very much care about it"

And I understand more about fastest team game play than you ever will undertsan anything in life, stupid shit xD

btw I hosted, you never joined the game. so you are the dodger ;)

Dude, Momo talks better and more coherent shit than you. Also, you made Fighting Spirit not FMP. We're in Op UGL, have some common sense. You know you're a bitch and that's all that matters. Doesn't matter that any of these other retards come to the same conclusion.

Support Center / Re: remove game.
« on: April 15, 2019, 12:01:53 pm »
The only thing that VOD shows is that you have no concept of teamwork since you didn't enlighten anyone to your switch of plan from going mech and that you have no concept of fmp team game meta since you would make wraiths and think you're doing anything at all to help the team in that situation lol.

The only reason to post the VOD was to prove that I raged on you and unfriended. When in reality I just left a game when I lost, told you why the team lost, and then you cried and unfriended me.

We can play any time man, just hit me up. Get Vulture to play on your account if you feel you must. I'll play you + 6 comps while getting head from Dano's sister and still win.

By the way dude way to get triggered as fuck lmao. You are so mad right now you're gonna short circuit your keyboard by sweating into it.

Support Center / Re: remove game.
« on: April 15, 2019, 11:57:34 am »
Hadn't even been an hour and two of the prophecies had manifested. You guys are too easy.

And yeah Premier, I've been calling you a intellectually-deficient tryhard since before you begged Cody to have me let you re-join Xp after we booted you the first time for bming teammates and taking it deadass seriously. We all bm each other, but we're always joking about it. I know you suffered a brain injury during your unfortunate accident, and that's not your fault, so I don't expect you to remember all of the small details about our previous engagements or be able to process any of these emotions your feeling at a competent level.

Sadly you just didn't qualify for Xp` despite hanging around and joining with and without express permission several times. It's not a skill thing. It's very exclusively a personality thing. You just don't have a good one man. I know you'll say I don't, but I got a posse that loves me and vice versa. You beg to join friend groups and they all shit on you behind your back. This weakness of self-worth is what makes you so easy to fuck with. You have so little dignity that you would immediately respond to my trivial banter lmao. Keep it coming.

Support Center / Re: remove game.
« on: April 15, 2019, 10:16:09 am »

you are one of the biggest crybabies out there insane. I just wanna mention that. you ragequiteed and unfriended me after i told you to attack twice in not even a rude manner in a pub 3v3 ppp vs pzz, but you d rather block instead of attack xDD and then u cursed at me after the game, just because i told you to attack LMAO

and dont even think about lying here, i can look up the VOD since I streamed and it will backfire even more, you crybaby lol

never thought i will ever agree with dano on something as he is equally retarded as you are, but still lol. calling out someone as crybaby when u r one of the biggest crybabies out there. made me laugh in real life.

Please find that VOD to expose that you don't know shit about FMP meta. You're a mediocre-at-best low$ player and none of that knowledge transferred over. You unfriended me because I called you a retard for going wraiths in a 2v3 instead of asserting map control like T is supposed to do even on low$. Not my fault that you're trash and struck a nerve when I called you out on it. It only got heated when you tried to convince me that you knew what you were doing. Besides you f r'd me lmao. Please find that VOD. At the very least, I'll get to laugh at your dumbass casting voice again. I'd rather listen to TonyG casting while being waterboarded than listen to your thick German accent babble on about nothing substantial. MF sounds like the fat kid from Willy Wonka whenever an attack happens.

Insane stop embarrassing yourself man

This hardly counts as embarrassment lmao.

WHATT I cant believe yall don't love insane. He is fucking hilarious and awesome to talk too. :) :) :)

It's just Dano because I wouldn't let him join Xp, Premier because I called him out for being a fake smart guy (which everyone knows he is), Hus because I made fun of him for cheating the league and being a crybaby to Sword about losing TvZ to a mid-spot Z D rank player (me) during the final game of SCW and falling out of the top 5, Crisoslow for trying to beat pubs with 2 starports and wraiths, and Purifier trying to earn internet points to be validated by these losers.

The outcasts, if you will. Not a single coherent, substantive opinion amongst them.

Now watch:
  • no VODs get posted.
  • Premier comes in here without his helmet fastened properly with some pseudo-intellectual babble about how I have cognitive dissonance.
  • Dano calls me a faggot again.
  • Hus tells me I'm raging even though every time I join the channel he PMing me or hitting me with that spite in the chat, completely oblivious to how it illustrates how emotionally invested he is into this strife lmao
  • Purifier tries again and fails to be relevant.

Support Center / Re: remove game.
« on: April 13, 2019, 02:14:19 pm »
insane most toxic kid on bnet

Na, Vulture. There are two people that catch the sauce. It's Dano and you. Dano because he's a delusional halfwit that always is instigating (and very poorly) and you because you are a low integrity player that cheats the game while everyone looks away. And even then, when most people see me talking shit, they recognize it's a joke. The reason it's so hard for you and Dano to understand that I'm joking is because you base your self-worth off of this game and this community. Most players don't. We just get on here to have fun.

Just because I'm significantly better at talking shit than Dano, Momo, you, or any of these other high-functioning retards doesn't mean that I take it seriously like you all clearly do. Good thing you weren't playing during SCD or VGT, or you might have cried yourself into dehydration because a bunch of 14-year-olds were talking about fucking your mom. You're just weak, man. Life is bigger than this game, I promise.

It is pretty telling how thin-skinned you are that I get called a pimple-faced faggot and when I respond in a clearly self-deprecating manner indicative of how it didn't affect me at all (because I rightfully interpret the whole exchange as a joke), I am the toxic one. You are Charmin soft, kid. Stay off Tumblr.

"Life is bigger than this game, I promise you."
> Reads your posts again.
> Confused.

In your conquest to demonize whom you perceive as despicable, you too became despicable. Truly in awe of your admirable display of character. Reminds of the Watchmen's The Comedian. So bent on it being a joke you use it as a means to justify the flaws in your personality and world view. You just need an excuse to be an asshole. "It's just a joke. LuL"

Shut your dumb ass up, Premier. Some people like to talk shit for fun. Not all of us are candy-ass crybabies. And I didn't demonize anyone for being despicable, nor do I think I'm better than any of these people just because I like to fuck with them. You and Vulture need to start a support group for you and the rest of the pussies on here that are gonna write me a fucking thesis about how mean I am. Besides you literally rage on your own teammates for losing out of actual anger. I'm on here fake raging because I think it's hilarious to watch you get bent, and you do not disappoint. Feed me you fuckin idiot. Everyone knows this is your whole life, and you chiming in is probably the most predictable thing since Dano fucking his sister.

Support Center / Re: remove game.
« on: April 13, 2019, 10:35:57 am »
insane most toxic kid on bnet

Na, Vulture. There are two people that catch the sauce. It's Dano and you. Dano because he's a delusional halfwit that always is instigating (and very poorly) and you because you are a low integrity player that cheats the game while everyone looks away. And even then, when most people see me talking shit, they recognize it's a joke. The reason it's so hard for you and Dano to understand that I'm joking is because you base your self-worth off of this game and this community. Most players don't. We just get on here to have fun.

Just because I'm significantly better at talking shit than Dano, Momo, you, or any of these other high-functioning retards doesn't mean that I take it seriously like you all clearly do. Good thing you weren't playing during SCD or VGT, or you might have cried yourself into dehydration because a bunch of 14-year-olds were talking about fucking your mom. You're just weak, man. Life is bigger than this game, I promise.

It is pretty telling how thin-skinned you are that I get called a pimple-faced faggot and when I respond in a clearly self-deprecating manner indicative of how it didn't affect me at all (because I rightfully interpret the whole exchange as a joke), I am the toxic one. You are Charmin soft, kid. Stay off Tumblr.

Support Center / Re: remove game.
« on: April 12, 2019, 09:45:37 am »
Insane, stfu you fucking pimple-faced-faggot.

I got all these pimples from burying my face in your mom's stank ass pussy and not washing off fast enough.

Support Center / Re: remove game.
« on: April 11, 2019, 01:46:06 pm »
Now that this mf has a job, he be formatting his posts like business letters lmao.

Big Dick Rick

General Discussion / Re: Free Momo
« on: April 05, 2019, 05:07:51 pm »
Stop it already. You wish you had my sister, then you could actually get into our bussnies, hahaha! Then ud actually see a real bussnies from the inside  :'(

Yo, hit me up when your 'bussnies' fails. I'll give you a full-time job with benefits washing your family's shit off my dick.

General Discussion / Re: Free Momo
« on: April 05, 2019, 03:51:38 pm »
Oh no, hold on. My syster? God knows that the only pussy uve seen is ur sister, besides your mother.

You're right, I haven't seen your sister's pussy. You think I'd risk knocking her up? You know I took that ass instead. 

General Discussion / Re: Free Momo
« on: April 05, 2019, 03:44:53 pm »
Dont make me laugh, you little maggot......

I'm feeling philanthropic. If you'd like, I'll sponsor some English lessons for you so you can muster up some better banter. I'd love to help. Your sister knows how to get ahold of me if you'd like to take it off SCW.

General Discussion / Re: Free Momo
« on: April 05, 2019, 03:41:14 pm »
Insane, ur a joke too me. Honestly i laugh everytime im thinking about you. We all know ur living at ur moms basement. And even try to talk about money with me. For me you are the poo that sticks under the shoe. Nothing else.....

I built my business. You inherited yours from your disappointed parents.

General Discussion / Re: Free Momo
« on: April 05, 2019, 03:34:34 pm »
Insane, ur like this fat kid in the classroom who sucks the bullys dick so they wont hurt you. Haha!

I'm the guy that gives the bully a custodian job after 3 years out of high school. Besides the fat kid whoops the bully's ass you poor-analogy-havin-ass motherfucker. Your trash talk game is, surprisingly, weaker than your sc game.

General Discussion / Re: Free Momo
« on: April 05, 2019, 10:29:24 am »
Idk if Momo will let any1 play on his account  :o
Momo = Mini Kon. Hahaha!

Momo, play saturday night? RvR ? :o

You aren't worth a slimy log falling out of Kon's ass. Kon could shit all over you while getting head from your entire matrilineal ancestry.

Poor Sword, always getting disrespected by our community's manchildren. Can you imagine how worthless your day-to-day life has to be when you're making several threads about discs when you won't break the top 30 in a hundred years?

Like this mf Sword runs this league for FREE in his spare time. Given that he has enough money to pay for server costs as well as giving generous prize pools, you know this mf has a job. He's busy. And you want to inundate him with petty requests and then get upset when you're clearly in the wrong according to the league's rules? Momo should be sucking Sword's fucking toes for giving him a little bit of purpose in life, not drowning him with busy work.

And Sword really ought to be able to delegate this busywork to some no-lifer nerd to handle. Too bad BeatZ couldn't muster up enough integrity to do it.

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Season Info

SCW Season 46
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: Jun 26 - Aug 11
1 MannerZerG19-9
2 PuFFiN[gK]17-5
3 pGf]Pescador-17-10
4 GhOsT]MeGa12-5
5 SaDiStiC)Warrio12-11

1 momo[gk]40-16
2 InFaMouS[gK]18-8
3 LivE.SworD19-14
4 LeGenD]HyDrA18-7
5 RoNin[gK]23-16

Help keep the league active.


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