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[Support Center] remove 2v2 game #97 by Lucas June 29, 2024, 04:21:02 pm
[Support Center] report a disc game by Lucas June 29, 2024, 04:20:40 pm
[General Discussion ] Who is better..... Hydra or Kokanee? by sNipEr.ScopE June 29, 2024, 01:36:26 pm
[Support Center] Remove game # 97 by Lucas June 28, 2024, 03:49:20 pm
[News] SCW Season 46 has arrived ! by d3mure June 27, 2024, 04:57:11 pm


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Messages - insaNe

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Tim Davis is so fat that his local McDonald’s knows the fam by name...

Lmao shut your bitch ass up you wife beatin', coors light chuggin', cousin fucker. Your liver is fatter than Tim ever thought about being.

General Discussion / Re: j.h + maximum stats are wack!
« on: April 29, 2019, 12:55:22 pm »
Maybe we also come up with a special color titling. Like donors get green, winners get gold, admins get red. Maybe sub-two-minute disc reporters, dano, and people who dodge in the tournaments get pink for pussy.

General Discussion / Re: add game
« on: April 28, 2019, 07:00:11 pm »
Insane, stop crying. You wont win the league anytime soon  :o

Dano, if you drank as much milk as you did cum when you were younger, maybe you wouldn't be such a little manlet.

General Discussion / Re: add game
« on: April 28, 2019, 06:57:45 pm »
Can someone buy this guy a remaster pass and some fuckin bread and oranges please? Jesus.

General Discussion / Re: j.h + maximum stats are wack!
« on: April 28, 2019, 06:54:33 pm »
I agree.

I dont understand why there isn't a mandatory tournament at the end of every season. It would be nice to see.

Sword has his reasons, which I don't know, and I'll respect them.
In past tournaments the same individuals would stall out by refusing to show up.

Then just auto-disqualify them and ban them for next season. Problem solved.

General Discussion / Re: add game
« on: April 27, 2019, 04:21:20 pm »
You're a huge pussy for reporting a disc this early lmao. HUGE pussy. Also for playing D rank player at A rank. They don't have strong fathers in Peru?

General Discussion / Re: Old school players still around ??
« on: April 20, 2019, 10:21:46 pm »
I wasn't ever in G)A, but I was friends with a lot of them. I was A)D-InSaNe, insaNe)V(oA, and La.insaNe.

Support Center / Re: please remove game ID's: 2870 and 2871
« on: April 19, 2019, 07:46:51 pm »
Stop this bm shit now. Atleast keep the mask on when we get a visitor that can actually grow our fmp-league.......

Insane, get a fucking life you beaner.....

no u

Support Center / Re: please remove game ID's: 2870 and 2871
« on: April 19, 2019, 12:34:59 pm »
LOL classic insane, cant post without mentioning my name. Won't lie though was a funny post xD

Yo fam, you know I'm with the math, so let's check it.

Saying I can't post without mentioning your name is quite ironic considering 4/7 of your posts, aka 57%, are exclusively to do with me. After this it'll be 5/8 aka 62.5%.

This frame of mind that leads you to believe I post the majority of my posts about you is not based on reality, but on the fact that you're letting my words ricochet through your brain way longer than they need to. I'm not sure what type of cognitive bias this is but I'm absolutely positive Premier can act like he knows what it's called.

Support Center / Re: please remove game ID's: 2870 and 2871
« on: April 18, 2019, 10:07:10 pm »
I do agree w/ you as far as the rules go, and I would not have reported the disc at all, as I don't care. Have no shot at winning the league so points don't matter to me. I'm sure some people hope for disc's, but not me. I want good games and not my time wasted. I was just annoyed w both discs, and him never showing back up when the game was dead, so I reported. I don't want cheap wins like this, and we could have easily resolved and had these removed until he started the BM'n..

Bro from what I've seen and heard, you are a good up and coming player that plays with respect for the game. You'll be a contender in A rank at your pace man. Keep that shit up. I wish I wasn't a horrible piece of shit at this game so I could even get to B rank on your lvl.

Support Center / Re: please remove game ID's: 2870 and 2871
« on: April 18, 2019, 10:00:19 pm »
LOL classic insane, cant post without mentioning my name. Won't lie though was a funny post xD

They're supposed to be funny bro. I'm glad you're coming around.

Support Center / Re: please remove game ID's: 2870 and 2871
« on: April 18, 2019, 09:55:11 pm »
I don't know what nuance needs added to the rule, if any. Maybe it's fine enough if we just chastise people who report discs like this for being huge pussies or tryhards. I know the objective is to amass points in this league, but there is a level of class that comes with it. Reporting discs when it's not obvious that the disc was malicious is just pussy behavior in my opinion, no matter how much time has gone by.

I'm sure BigPappa is a fine person. I think it's easy to get win hungry. Just like when Vulture got win hungry on me and thought he was gonna A vs D bash his way into the top 5 and I knocked his ass out of the top 5 in the clutch during the last 5 minutes of SCW8. My guys, I was mid spot Z vs his Terran. This mf drew the game out, praying to Shiva that it would last longer than the deadline to report. Your boy didn't let that happen, you know. Then the mf has the audacity to tell me about how I should "respect" him by not reporting (cheating) right after he admitted to thinking he was going to noob bash me. Then he f rs me because he was crying so loudly his dad woke up and grounded him from SCW9. You should have seen him crying to Sword for the free points afterwards. That shit could be a Lifetime movie shown in high school health classes about the consequences of poorly calculated risks. On a scale of 1 to 10 of bitch shit, that being an 11, this is probably a 4. We ought to be aiming for a 2 as individuals.

Sí tu puedes. Ve a "Join League" de la misma manera que lo hiciste para -Os] Haku- [. Puedes tener hasta tres nombres, creo.

Support Center / Re: remove game.
« on: April 15, 2019, 03:08:05 pm »
I regret.
You're just like your mother.

Agreed. Better to avoid this toxic kid

You boys would do right to avoid me at all costs.

Lotta regret in these babies. Thanks for helping them realize the error of their ways, Sword, even though I'm sure it was an accident.

Support Center / Re: remove game.
« on: April 15, 2019, 01:10:33 pm »
I disagree. I think that's how filth thinks and works.

Nice one, Rainman.

the only retarded bitch in here is you. you are literally trash in this game and now i will stop posting in this thread, because you start to bore me. go back to your typical american trashbag life, being a worthless shit :D goodbye

Momo84, hit me up literally any time to play a game on fastest.

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 16

Season Info

SCW Season 46
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: Jun 26 - Aug 11
1 Ridd1ck[VcK]15-1
2 MannerZerG15-7
3 PuFFiN[gK]13-4
4 pGf]Pescador-15-10
5 GhOsT]MeGa12-5

1 momo[gk]25-7
2 InFaMouS[gK]16-8
3 RoNin[gK]14-4
4 Blaze[gK]15-19
5 PuFFiN[gK]7-2

Help keep the league active.


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