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Messages - KuSh[VcK]

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Noobport is a bitch

Can we all agree to ban him from scw. And I'll agree to setup my computer and come win a 2's tourney for yall

Support Center / Re: Remove game Match ID# 3216
« on: October 19, 2021, 09:04:25 pm »
I have you. And Gus!

Matt beat newbports ass

Your list of who was top players back in vgt/scd is also distorted, Since the players you listed made careers of team stacking every single game. Im not saying ryoji or nana werent capable of winning games partnering average players, but they never did so we will never know. We all thought evil was this top 2ser all these seasons because he also only team stacked partnering the better caliber players. But, now look at his past few seasons where evil is finally partnering average players, he's now sitting at a 50-60% win ratio.

You made a valid observation about seeing what people consider a top 2's player but can't keep a .5 record unless they ally the best everytime. I'm not one of those players ;) but enuff talking I guess have to see if I can get a chance chance come play.

Your list of who was top players back in vgt/scd is also distorted, Since the players you listed made careers of team stacking every single game. Im not saying ryoji or nana werent capable of winning games partnering average players, but they never did so we will never know. We all thought evil was this top 2ser all these seasons because he also only team stacked partnering the better caliber players. But, now look at his past few seasons where evil is finally partnering average players, he's now sitting at a 50-60% win ratio.

I agree with you.

You keep spewing all this crap about you being top tier and coming back. No ones agreeing with you so just do it to prove yourself.

There's people that know and there's people that can't see cause the hate in their eyes.

What was remnats aka again

Msmowns you ... pp v pp he was beating everyone for awhile people like kelevran hunter hash ryoji. I studied his and xs. Nycpua and ryojis replays. He was really good 2's pp then disappeared came back and never was the same. Seems that happens sometimes people leave n can never get back to where they once were

Ryoji, Nana and Dung are top pp’s

Before mafia.remnant left he was up there with ryoji. I'd put remnant above menace. Menace is up there though

Ryoji, Nana and Dung are top pp’s

Dung was good. Not as good as ryoji or Nana but he was good. And tyga at his prime basically shit on everyone and that was shortly after you and me would just smash xs. Supposedly ryoji and menace are the top massers. But you already know that ended after they played vs us. Choke or cannon every game after.

No offense Kush but you parting Cole or Zuez aka Alex doesn't mean shit. I watched the reps where you parted them and even the one posted on YouTube recently. You got carried HARD. Both Cole and Zuez are just that good where they can compete against top 2v2 players while parting pubs like you.  A 2v2 between Cole/voljin vs hydra/Peter or splitter would be WAY better than you being thrown in the mix

How do I tag kokanee in on this? Cole tell these noobs who the best pp v pp of all time is.  Like I said prime vs prime there's only two people I would rate ahead of me. Nana in her prime and tyga in his prime.

No offense Kush but you parting Cole or Zuez aka Alex doesn't mean shit. I watched the reps where you parted them and even the one posted on YouTube recently. You got carried HARD. Both Cole and Zuez are just that good where they can compete against top 2v2 players while parting pubs like you.  A 2v2 between Cole/voljin vs hydra/Peter or splitter would be WAY better than you being thrown in the mix

Oh you mean the one recently where I held a 2vs1 push and 30 seconds after took Gohans main? Like my 25th game in after a 6 month not even fully active streak. Ohhh riiiight that game. Yes Zeus is good dropper and really good arguable the best 2vs2 player ever in his prime. But he made alot of mistakes that game as well. We're both rusty that game vs Gohan and peter who were both in the top 5 at that time with games over 100 games in scw. Pretty sure huawaei was even #1 at that time and how you gunna say a rusty kush and rusty Zeus can beat supposey a super best 2vs2 player they say about peter and Gohan also a legend. As if me and Zeus aren't better then them in 2's  that's a joke. Without me taking Gohan main Zeus would have never had a chance with me boxed in. I love Alex he's amazing but to say he carried me that game, you're on drugs yo. We both did our part to win that game. And if you ask Zeus(Tyga aka Alex) he will tell you who the best 2vs2 player was before him at his prime. I don't know why you birds like to chirp at me. But I think it's funny 🤣. And then even if I was to come back and play 100 games and unrust you still wouldn't give the respect to me for being a top 2vs2er. Just hater hating. What's the point.

100$ on a 2's tourney if hydra and Peter play vs me and cole

there are so many better players than u, tho

BTW I literally don't understand how you have been playing 5,000 games and still can't have an even record in 1's..? Literally wtf you use to be good seems like you have used up all of your potential already. I don't understand i came back n after 20 games I smashed the "top 2vs2ers". And you're literally still horrible after 2 years of playing almost everyday

Peter is rusty.... idk how much Evil plays.

If you want a good Series Cole/jose   Hydra/splittergal

Is Jose vol-jin? I thought vol Jin is zelith aka Alex. That'd be good match Tom splitter vs Cole and Jose or vol Jin

100$ on a 2's tourney if hydra and Peter play vs me and cole

there are so many better players than u, tho

No, it would only take me probably 40 hours of game time for me to unrust and I'd guarantee I would come back and beat any top 2v2 team with a top ally. Being that said. Yes I would agree they are better then me at the moment. Wouldn't take long for me to come back and beat any top 2vs2ers like I did before. Ask Cole.

100$ on a 2's tourney if hydra and Peter play vs me and cole

Support Center / Re: Remove game please
« on: October 16, 2021, 12:07:27 pm »
I got your back Gus.

Gus just beat his ass

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Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 LeGenD]HyDrA91-6
2 pGf]Pescador-120-84
3 L-Mx]GallO151-139
4 Resoud60-31
5 GhOsT]~Diaura~58-35

1 LeGenD]HyDrA51-27
2 s]x54-26
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~49-25
4 L-Mx]-ThaNaThoZ40-17
5 LeGenD]EviL57-36

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