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Messages - KuSh[VcK]

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 I say make the 2's prize pool just as good as the 1's

tell brain ppicka is ready to show him up.

General Discussion / CLAN WAR L-Mx] vs [aV]
« on: October 28, 2021, 01:16:42 am »
1's and 2's points tallied at the end for winner

Post your lineup here.


Kush were both p-gamers.... that wont be a good fit and you know.

I was watching some reps of vgt when I was Fire iLL and BoMb. I had a nasty Terran and my zerg is not bad. I bet you by the time thus tourney starts I'll be ownage in r

Or why not pick so many captains and let the lm choose their partner?

That or make the teams random and do a drawing..

Alright DANO saddle up... I'm on and unrustying.

Cole should part someone higher level. Kush, you should part someone who cant carry anyone to prove yourself. Parting Cole doesnt mean shit when you beat good teams.

So it I part dano and win will you stfu?

A wise man once said ... you reap what you sow. BAN DIS BITCH ALREADY FOREVER and ill donate 100$ just to 2vs2 vs hydra and his ally vs me n cole

We all said that in the previous thread to just do that lol.

Lol we need to ban this chub. I talked to Kokanee he said get the tourney setup

A wise man once said ... you reap what you sow. BAN DIS BITCH ALREADY FOREVER and ill donate 100$ just to 2vs2 vs hydra and his ally vs me n cole

Man Sith the 20 years of StarCraft led to this?

Holy fuck you literally suck so fucking bad at this game LOL

I motion to have Newbport Permabanned from SCW. Doesn't matter how much a person donate's if they go around slandering every player they encounter or throw a tantrum when they don't get their way and make excuses and start flaming. Toxcicity of this caliber doesn't help this gaming place :)

Ah yes, it's all of the community who is wrong. Certainly not the person who didn't have the character to follow through on a promise. If you just admitted you were wrong, I bet at least someone would have something nice to say about you. But alas, the same frail ego that created the problem perpetuates it. Keep living in your delusion. Just make sure that line of thinking doesn't propagate to other areas of your life where strength of character are actually of importance.

I'm sure it does.

@ Kush

My name is green yours isn't, I wonder why?

You talk too much and fucking suck at starcraft.

Your basketball reference is hilarious and pathetic (must be your autism again), shut the fuck up you ugly you 100 apm noob lmao.

Pay up or shut the fuck up fat autist lmao.

Ungrateful uninformed noob lmao

So if my name was green I'd be as cool as you? You're literally dog shit of existence and anyone who emulates you is lowering their own potential to be anything other then dog shit kid. Kys. Erase yourself from existence do the world a favor. You're a disgrace to anyone who is playing for a legit reputable cause. Anyone can see that. Why you think players want nothing to do with you? you're an autistic loser who doesn't realize. "brain will you do a 1vs1 tourney for scw?" "No why would they send an autistic loser to request my presence" shutdown like you have been your entire life. Get fuked.

@ Kush

My name is green yours isn't, I wonder why?

You talk too much and fucking suck at starcraft.

Your basketball reference is hilarious and pathetic (must be your autism again), shut the fuck up you ugly you 100 apm noob lmao.

Pay up or shut the fuck up fat autist lmao.

Ungrateful uninformed noob lmao

One day I wanna be as cool as you. Can I have your autograph please?

You guys should setup the teams and then have the teams pick who they wanna be named. For instance me and cole could he team Durant/Irving. Tom and Peter could be team LeBron/Westbrook. Or like team Murray/Hopkins. Just a thought. And if you get it setup around Thanksgiving or after I can play but if you rush it then ill just watch.

@ TonyG

Shut the fuck up you ugly uninformed noob.

Tell the nerd (tom) not to BM the guy who has been trying to set up a show match for him and the community for like a month?

It was incredibly difficult to even get a hold of Brain.

And for the record....

I've donated at least $400 to this community.

What the fuck have you done little ugly nerd?

Cast more shitty games so you can jack off to your Canadian Hero Kokanee????? haha fucking nerd ass motha fuckas

Irony calling someone a nerd when you crying about being the Lil bitch boy not getting a game setup between two players. Bitch nerd at its finest. And couldn't even accomplish that on top of it.

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Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 LeGenD]HyDrA91-6
2 pGf]Pescador-120-84
3 L-Mx]GallO151-139
4 Resoud60-31
5 GhOsT]~Diaura~58-35

1 LeGenD]HyDrA51-27
2 s]x54-26
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~49-25
4 L-Mx]-ThaNaThoZ40-17
5 LeGenD]EviL57-36

Help keep the league active.


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