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Messages - RJBTV

Pages: 1 ... 78 79 [80] 81 82 ... 84
News / Re: Season 4 Start
« on: February 23, 2018, 10:23:10 pm »
I hereby pledge 50 USD for the 2vs2 winner.

General Discussion / Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« on: February 23, 2018, 07:50:32 pm »
We have had several seasons where the korean version of the map was allowed in addition to the western map, and the wave of korean activity never materialized. The koreans who did play (e.g. brain, sucon) used our map anyway

This premier, you’ve been back in 3 weeks so you don’t know everything like you think you do.

Then tell Core what Sword told me instead of attacking the messenger and not the message. Your initial comment informed no one in any way whatsoever. You may aswell not have said anything at all. Also I don't claim to know everything and nowhere did I make a claim that comes even close to anything that can be interpreted as such. Stick to the topic and stick to the content the topic suggest we discuss. Attacking a messenger is not part of that. Read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies

We have had several seasons where the korean version of the map was allowed in addition to the western map, and the wave of korean activity never materialized. The koreans who did play (e.g. brain, sucon) used our map anyway

That sucks and saddens me, but for the sake of discussion and understanding, what marketing moves were made to spread the word and interest the koreans in SCW? I missed this period and am curious. In hindsight, what would you have done differently or what have you not done to market the league and what did you do to market the league? If I know what you've tried and what you haven't tried it gives me pointers regarding what I can do and shouldn't do.

General Discussion / Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« on: February 23, 2018, 06:42:43 pm »
You guys don't even participate in league games.. maybe start there
Iv said this before and il say it again. No new players will come. The league only survives off old league players returning from time to time.

I am pretty new to the league :)

If you guys want the league to be bigger, do this. Change the Fastest map Space into Fastest Super. There are potentially hundreds of Koreans who are willing to join the league, if we use that map. Fastest Super is more balanced, and many agrees. We shouldn't be too stubborn about old tradition which no one cares outside SCW.



Exactly what I was thinking, you don’t help with activity at all so why would you have any say?
This is a very weak argument you're making here. You might even say it is not an argument at all. Core raises a valid argument, whether he has been an active member or not is completely irrelevant. It is true that most koreans hate our version of the map and don't play in our league because of it. However instead of attacking Core you should raise a counter argument. Example: We prefer our version of the map over their version because (reasons).

Clans / Re: Clan Pro]
« on: February 23, 2018, 10:10:26 am »
pro]fantastic claims to be the leader of pro. much confusion in clan ? who runs the show ?

1vs1 BO7 to claim leadership of the clan!

Clans / Re: Clan Pro]
« on: February 23, 2018, 05:38:46 am »
Lmao he never toyed and 5-0’d me.
whenever he played me he would smurf me. I thought he was hydrogenbomb and thus didn’t try lol
Only time he played me on his real acc I won a tourney off him

Hey! Will you be active in season 4 :D?

Clans / Re: Clan Pro]
« on: February 22, 2018, 08:34:39 pm »

"h8ers gonna h8"
whos hating? I'm not hating just stating the truth.

Cole does an amazing best track record, there is no denying that. But better than Brain? I think that's a stretch.

News / Re: Season 4 Start
« on: February 22, 2018, 05:09:16 pm »
Teal you can't talk shit with kush being inactive .. your garbage without him carrying you every game


News / Re: Season 4 Start
« on: February 22, 2018, 07:14:00 am »
I think there are potentially so many players who never heard about this league, or the channel op ugl. There are lots of pubs in West server who deserve to come. We need some way of advertising the league. When I was an admin of iCCup I was able to use command /ann to talk to everyone in that server. I wish we have that sort of function.

I've been telling people about SCW in pub games on Europe. There's quite the number of decently skilled pub gamers there who have never played outside of Europe.

I was thinking of doing showmatches or something similar in public games.

Clans / Re: Clan Pro]
« on: February 21, 2018, 09:28:25 pm »
Dude wtf..... whats the matter with ppl, let the guy be. If he wants to get into Pro] so let it be, stfu.

Ambition and motivation are the fuel of progress. To trample on the pursuit of another's ambition is to trample on your own.

General Discussion / Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« on: February 17, 2018, 06:41:54 am »
Guys, from someone who was lucky enough to have a really good SC player train them under their wing as a friend, there is nothing cooler than when an exceptional player takes you under their wing and teaches you everything they know. It is a really cool feeling. It is like an NFL player taking a NCAA player under their wing and teaching them everything they know so that they can be successful. It forms a very good relationship as well. As long as the student is willing to learn, it is a super cool experience. Whether you know it or not, and whether you think its sad or not, a lot of people look up to the top gamers here, including myself. I think they should set a great example. Some have, some have not. But I believe it's the right thing to do. Whenever you have a moment, please, pass on your knowledge.

I am not saying this is the key to activity, it's just an insightful idea, I think. 

and guys, to the ones who want to coach, it is such a successful feeling, and it makes you so much better! teaching other people what you know only enhances what you know and you almost reteach yourself by doing so.

and by the way, please everyone listen to Matt Mays. He is a great musician and a fantastic person :D

I support that notion about having a mentor. Back when I had maybe around 100 games played a guy named KiLLeR_ on the Europe server bothered to teach me the basic 1vs1 builds and a 2vs2 protoss build. I still use his builds to this day, including building placements. He later turned out to be a good 1vs1 player under the name Madara and that fact got me into the competitive side of gaming.

An idea could be to host a public game with "Teaching FMP @ Op Ugl" or something similar and have some people who are willing to teach basic builds and concepts in the channel.

General Discussion / Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« on: February 15, 2018, 07:10:02 pm »
I dont think this league will ever be as active as SCD/VGT times; people are busy, many hackers, BM everywhere, old game and lack of activity deters people from sticking to the league.

One thing i think would help is if we shorten each season a bit. This would make each league games more valuable and force people to play as there would be a limited amount of time to finish the league. If you think about it, if 5 Top inactive players come back, that would forsure increase activity on all levels. People get turn off it they only see a few top level players, but if there were 10 Top level players, this would make the league more interesting.

Since people usually get excited when league starts but dont always play for the entire duration of the league, don't you think 3 weeks of more valuable games would be better then 6 weeks of spread out games?
what about 4?

General Discussion / Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« on: February 15, 2018, 03:55:24 pm »
Hey guys. Another way to probably get this shit more active is to have some games up on youtube. I mean shit, we haven't seen consistent games going up on youtube for a while now! Hell, thats how i got back into SC after all these years. Watching youtube videos, i saw mos flo's videos and thought maybe it might still be happening, and it was! If i can help with this procedure PLEASE l et me know how! i would gladly help with it!! Casting videos would be pretty cool! Also, Having the videos as part of this site might be pretty cool too . maybe have another nav called"Castings" or "This season" or something . i don't know. just some random ass thoughts xP

I have a Youtube channel where I upload some games.


Didn't know they was an actual interest in this though so, knowing this I could upload much more. Playing a bunch of games every weeks and recording them all (streaming on twitch.tv/ZikQc)

if its league games yea. not random pub games unless you're heavily advertising the league / channel

Pub games against League players during the Off-season would be good.

News / Re: starcraftfastest.com
« on: February 15, 2018, 05:52:16 am »
We have all seen this site at least once in the past, and some of us may have also been frustrated at how outdated it is. It appears pretty high on the list on search engines, easily the first result from terms such as "StarCraft fastest map", "StarCraft FMP", or even "StarCraft Fastest". There are probably still a lot of people hitting this website, oblivious to where the last remaining outpost of FMP activity actually resides - SCW. The website is here: http://www.starcraftfastest.com

I've bought the domain from the old owner, so I now have full control over the website. I thought about having it simply redirect to SCW, but I want to preserve the original content of the site. Unfortunately, it seems that the owner has made use of Google's mechanism allowing the website index to be moved; now, whenever one performs the aforementioned searches, the very top result leads them to new location of the site: http://researchedworks.com/starcraft-fastest-map

Nevertheless, the original address still remains high in the list, plus the domain is an easy hit. I'm going to be updating the content with modern information, especially the location of SCW. Hopefully it will help keep things alive. Also, I hope the original owner doesn't mind me putting up a copy of his old website - I had no contact with him throughout this process, so I have no idea what his thoughts are on this. I don't want to take any credit for any of the work behind the site, nor do I want to tear down a site that has a lot of good information - my only goal was to update the content of the website (I couldn't stand descriptions of old leagues and channels as though they were the present, so high on search engines!) If you are the original owner of the domain and you are reading this, please feel free to send me a private message here if you have any thoughts or concerns regarding the website.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in helping me polish the website, let me know. Also, stay tuned for season 4, whose start date will be posted within the next few days.

This is nice to hear!

Clans / Re: Clan Pro]
« on: February 13, 2018, 08:37:27 pm »
Premier can you donate money for 2s ladder this season so I can actually find games?

A condition under which I'd consider throwing money in for the 2s ladder is if Korean rules were to be applied to PPvPP(Maybe PR too), or at least something similiar. 1 Cannon allowed at choke and one cannon allowed outside base per pylon outside base.  Variations could be 2-3 cannons at choke or per pylon outside base. Reasons being 1) Koreans would be more likely to consider playing SCW if such rules were in place, and 2) I think it will give room to growth in skill level because the crutch that is the cannon-meta disapears, and 3) I dislike excessive cannon use.

Would of course first want to see this tested by players outside of a season to even see if it is a rule-set that people like, or which of the variations to the numbers people like most. If people end up not liking the rule-set I might throw money at 2s without the korean rule-set.

Edit: CR+LING would/could be an exception.

Clans / Re: Clan Pro]
« on: February 13, 2018, 05:14:30 pm »

Pages: 1 ... 78 79 [80] 81 82 ... 84

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 LeGenD]HyDrA81-6
2 pGf]Pescador-108-84
3 L-Mx]GallO151-127
4 Resoud58-31
5 thats_fishy69-54

1 LeGenD]HyDrA51-27
2 s]x54-26
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~49-25
4 L-Mx]-ThaNaThoZ39-17
5 LeGenD]EviL57-35

Help keep the league active.


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