StarCraft World
GENERAL => General Discussion => Topic started by: reeKo[gK] on July 23, 2024, 12:37:19 pm
Clan gK will be hosting a 2v2 tournament!!!! THIS TOURNAMENT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AND ANYONE CAN JOIN!!!...It will be a 16 man tournament ( 8 Teams ) . This will be the signup page so reply your team Name and whos on your team to be entered. Team names must be appropriate and follow the SCW forum rules. We will start as soon as all spots are filled. There will be 1 replacement team that will fill if needed. Rules on the tournament and brackets will be posted on the Official Tournament report thread. Goodluck to you all and luck ever be in your favor!
1) Team FIFA RoNin[gK] & NorTh[gK]
2) Team Trump Momo[gK] & PuFFin[gK]
3) Team Cancun -]Os[-Cancun & L-mx]Gallo
4) Team Stackers LeGenD]Hydra & LeGenD]Evil
5) Team GoKu/Vegeta -]K[L-ZueZ ViperClass
6) Team Gangster GanG]Dario GanG]Random
7) Team pGf Pescador SuperWilcha
8 )
Replacement team:
Only gk? Or available to all
Only gk? Or available to all
I would assume so, there aren’t 18 gk members which is what he needs
No prize incentive?
Sign me up
momo and puff puff
momo and puff puff
yess siirr
Add Team CanCuN
Add Team CanCuN
i need the names of your players Stone
Every1 knows TeaM CanCuN Unbeatable
Add Team Wilchas Pescador / SuperWilcha
Add Team Wilchas Pescador / SuperWilcha
I need to hear it from them...not you
add viper/jose - Team Language Barrier
or viper/mentos - Team PickPocket
Someone call Byul + Hennesey
RiverFeniX + gG]Eazy-
RiverFeniX + gG]Eazy-
Team name?
ZeuZ + ViperClass we goku/vegeta. enemies but we fuse for this tourny
RiverFeniX + gG]Eazy-
Team name?
Team NoPussy
RiverFeniX + gG]Eazy-
Team name?
Team NoPussy
Ronin fucking chill dude im tired of this shit and so is everyone else.
like talking shit is cool and all but shut the fuck up idiot ffs
take me out of the tournament, too much bm from gK
RiverFeniX + gG]Eazy-
Team name?
The gK destroyers, Me and eazy
RiverFeniX + gG]Eazy-
Team name?
The gK destroyers, Me and eazy
so are you in or out?
RiverFeniX + gG]Eazy-
Team name?
Team NoPussy
Ronin fucking chill dude im tired of this shit and so is everyone else.
Joe, it’s not that serious pal lighten up
First rule :respect
Treat fellow members with respect and kindness. Disagreements are fine, but personal attacks will not be tolerated.
Every one of your comments have been personal attacks and disrespecting the other people on post. Talk with sword/lucas about it. Let’s not do this on the post.
Joe, stay off my threads please...i dont want what you anywhere near anything i post...your not welcome into tourny and shouldnt of even posted here.... u bring drama and We as a community dont want the drama.... thx
All of a sudden Joe is a saint. It Doesent take a genius to see through the bullshit you’re pushing Joe.
i guess ill stay in but i dont want ronin spamming the threads with bm
i will not spam the thread with bm anymore, just to appease you gus, iam sorry.
SIKE STFU GUS nobody goes by your demands/or care if you and gg]eazy dont play in it
w/e man not in the mood for ur bs ronin im out have fun
can someone else host a tournament thats not a total dickhead like ronin?
can someone else host a tournament thats not a total dickhead like ronin?
im not the one hosting the tournament
Not gonna lie ronin. Your bm towards me has been constant and never stopping. I don’t even talk to you and when I get on the channel u spam gg]eazy noob dodger. Yet I don’t dodge anyone. Everyone knows I’d rape you. I’m down to play in the tournament but idc if we also are not in it. Just want good games. You even personal message me to appologize sometimes. But it seems like you don’t mean any of it. Please keep my name out of your mouth. I barely even play this game anymore.
Not gonna lie ronin. Your bm towards me has been constant and never stopping. I don’t even talk to you and when I get on the channel u spam gg]eazy noob dodger. Yet I don’t dodge anyone. Everyone knows I’d rape you. I’m down to play in the tournament but idc if we also are not in it. Just want good games. You even personal message me to appologize sometimes. But it seems like you don’t mean any of it. Please keep my name out of your mouth. I barely even play this game anymore.
IM straight up not being a pussy or sensitive or any of that, like eazy has said, ronin is consistently constantly belittling and talking shit to me and im through with it. Im basically just a casual gamer now here for some chill games no drama, thats why i refuse to talk with ronin anymore or game with him because he does shady shit like cheating on obs or whispering on discord to win either that or hes talking mad shit 24/7. I bm all the time yes, but its more like jokingly and not constant, like I let people breathe in between, but ronin is just a madman spamming bm to the point i wanna pull my hair out. Nothing h can say or do will make me want to continue playing with him at all. Just letting yall know that i dont play this game to talk shit harass or bully people. im here to ply sc and thats it. Keep my name out of your mouth. There is no "gus" to yall anymore.
Can an admin remove all the posts in this thread that pertains to BM or arguing...go make a BM thread for all this shit and post it there plz. this is for signup and anything tourny related. Thanks
Talk to your member ronin, i dont give a shit about your tournament sory reeko, tell ronin to stop it. hes your member of gK. Kudos to you being mature tho tyler
Talk to your member ronin, i dont give a shit about your tournament sory reeko, tell ronin to stop it. hes your member of gK. Kudos to you being mature tho tyler
Gus your one of the most BM members of the community...stop being two faced and sensative...keep this thread to Tourny stuff only plz. Ill take you out of tournament if youd like. No biggie
Calm down Randall.
Talk to your member ronin, i dont give a shit about your tournament sory reeko, tell ronin to stop it. hes your member of gK. Kudos to you being mature tho tyler
Gus your one of the most BM members of the community...stop being two faced and sensative...keep this thread to Tourny stuff only plz. Ill take you out of tournament if youd like. No biggie
Sensitive* learn how to spell you damn monkey. Im gm as fuck bro. all im saying is im VIP and demand respect in this bitch. ppl like Reeko and ronin dont have the word "manners" in their dictionary.
ronin is a pillar of this community
Yup hes such a great guy, i love how he obs cheats sucks lags, bullies and harasses people online. Yup, what a role model. lmfao
Can an admin remove all the posts in this thread that pertains to BM or arguing...go make a BM thread for all this shit and post it there plz. this is for signup and anything tourny related. Thanks
Dont act like yall dont cheat on discord and all that shit, everyone knows ronin is a shady mf
Yup hes such a great guy, i love how he obs cheats sucks lags, bullies and harasses people online. Yup, what a role model. lmfao
Yup hes such a great guy, i love how he obs cheats sucks lags, bullies and harasses people online. Yup, what a role model. lmfao
if you were more like ronin it would be a big improvement. what have you even done for starcraft
Yup hes such a great guy, i love how he obs cheats sucks lags, bullies and harasses people online. Yup, what a role model. lmfao
if you were more like ronin it would be a big improvement. what have you even done for starcraft
Hmm idk. Not obs cheat? That's a plus that I don't whisper other people's spots and races like ronin. The greatest thing ronin could do for sc is buy a new router
Keep the thread about the tourney. I haven’t obs cheater in forever either relax buu
This tourny will be soon turned into a gK only 4 team tourny if we can not get it filled.... Please if interested in joining post ur team and ur team name in thread...thanks
Ronin that is some bad photoshop on your sig bro. You know AI can do wonders nowadays right?
- there anyone good in gk?
- there anyone good in gk?
Dreadlord, talking to yourself again?
Join Clan GanGstEr - GanGstEr]Random - GanGstEr]Dario
Join Clan GanGstEr - GanGstEr]Random - GanGstEr]Dario
got you guys!
- there anyone good in gk?
Dreadlord, talking to yourself again?
are you multi-accounting again?
pgf.pescador and pgf.superwilcha. Ty bro
1 more team to fill!!! sign up people!
Remove team GoKu/Vegeta add team Wk
Wk`ThaNaThoZ & Wk`ViperClass
Thank you
Im back...had to take a week trying to keep things alive in this tourny....everyone still good?