StarCraft World
STARCRAFT => Clans => Topic started by: Mana[DD] on November 29, 2023, 09:31:18 am
TAG : Yz+ (Yearn 2Last)
Recruiting players who can 1-0 others and then tell them to shut up because they're noobs who are not loud enough to talk.. π€£
I can't 1-0 people so i need someone who can do this for me! LMAO
The process making of Yz all started in US-East during the SCD days when all the VGT players left or took a long break. I began the game and watched some of the best players showcase many strategies on Original StarCraft while playing public games to practice.
We were too young to know what happened during the Liquid Era incase you're wondering how old we are c(:
I was introduced to Fastest Map Possible with an old childhood rival who I never beat because he was that much faster and smarter than me although the man who showed us the game was a Low Money Player!
My first race was Protoss and his was Zerg, I never once won a game against him as I didn't know about Reaver and Templar drops before he moved on from the game and this was over ten years ago when SCZ replaced SCD.
I might've got it mixed up and it was VGT after SCD but it all started a decade ago in US-East! π
Joking, I'm new and the story above belongs to my brother Yris! π
I'm trying to use as little Brood War units as possible as I'm a Original student of (R)us Team if you heard of it c(:
Wwe were noobs so you probably don't remember us but it won't be that easy anymore! π
Yz+Lotus : Boblue + Yz~Mana +
Yz+Hyzi : OnLight + Krayz. + DE-Yris
Yz+Monster : Hatred8(
Yz+Sunson : Sunsri
Yz+Boa? : Boa404
Yz+Arcane : MyClovers (Yami Fan) π
Yz~Mischief : LowMischief
Yz~Anao : 7cDreams + DearLy
Yz~Silver : Hello2 + DE-Arctic
EpicNote (Uncertain if she wants to play for Yz)
Yz~Thunder Yz+Thunder Yz-Thunder Yz.Thujder Yz_Thunder Yz[Thunder] Yz(Thunder) Yz:Thunder Yz*Thunder
Yz?Thunder Yz`Thunder Yz"Thunder" Yz!Thunder
Which tag do you think is better?
Me and Yris can't decide which tag is better looking and the other three don't care about the tag so when we have new members, we'll take a vote to see which tag we shall stick with! π
Since we can't really decide on one, feel free to use any of the tags listed above!!!
I'm looking for players who want to talk and improve together, I'm quite experienced but I'm not the best so I can teach anyone who's interested and practice with you 1vs1. We can review our games after to answer any questions you have! βΊοΈ
(General Tip)
Scout corner bases first and when you pass by the top and bottom middle bases you can skip it early on or see if it's a Zerg choking! You have to scout the choke on side middle bases though before skipping to the corner bases!
Check some of my recent Protoss and Terran games in Season 43 for a better understanding! π
my only question is are those all of your akas?
my only question is are those all of your akas?
Of course.. not, I have a few friends who played the game with me for two years before I quit so we could easily play some 1vs1 clan wars just to spice things up because we're all happy and comfortable now with nothing else to do but I saw Blizzard is still funding StarCraft!
Active players are welcome even if you're bad! I come on for 2-3 days every two weeks and can spam 1vs1 with anyone looking to train and improve against me before trying the SCW League!
We might be able to play some 2vs2 SCW games together when we're on at the same time with other duos looking to rank.
No need to feel shy about asking to join as long as you're not banned from the league SCW for anything wrong c(:
Yz - Yearn 2Last
No matter how bad it gets we stay! π
I know my record is not pretty enough to make you feel like it's going to be a good guild but just watch me play c(:
A-Z+z such a pretty tag in my opinion ^-^
1~ When you're going for a Templar drop you should Ctrl+5 all your templars so it's easiar to Storm the minerals when you reach main! Hotkey your Shuttle with the Zealots and Templars on Ctrl+4 so you can easily access it while dropping!
I used to Hotkey 2 templars on Ctrl+4/5 instead of just Ctrl+5 and that was not the best way as when you're trying to figure out which one of the 4/5 Templars survived the landing it'll die to a good defense.
2~ Three Gateways is much better than Four Gateways at the start of the game if you're looking to pressure with micro skills in the early game!
3~ Fast technology, I would recommend you to make one Gateway and Forge to cannon your entrance with an Geyser to rush your Reavers or Dark Templars.
4~ Dragoon rush into observer then Reaver drop against Terran or Dragoon rush into Reaver drop against Zerg.
Gateway+Forge incase of a 3-4 Barrack Stim as you'll need to choke when you micro back to base, otherwise micro Dragoons on the Vultures until Observer is done for mines and then Reaver drop while you continue to micro.
2-4 Zealots with Dragoons to break Zerg choke hatchery, continue to mass until Reaver is ready and see if you can distract on choke while dropping. Take out the army of Hydralisks with Reaver and Zealots if you can't reach the Drones, keep doing this along with a Templar drop from the other side.
5~ If you see that your early game rush against a Terran is going to fail you need to cannon them in or cannon the route to your base before they move out of there base!
You also need to cannon in a Zerg as Protoss if you can't break the choke early game as you'll need to prepare drops, defend it with Dragoons + Templars + Reavers while you hunt Overlords and drop the Drones or Army defending against drops! Cannon the two bases next to them as well so they can't easily break out and attack your base!
6~ When you get stuck with a Zerg in a 20 minute or longer game, you should definitely utilize ~5 and then build Twelve Corsairs and go Overlord hunting so the Zerg can't pump new units until they have more Overlords which equates to them turtling in base until you finally win! βΊοΈ
7~ When you don't win with the early game rush, don't be scared to make two Nexus against a Zerg and one Nexus with some Cannons against a Terran!
8~ Cannon the outside of your base and then cannon the entrance of your base so you can prepare extra cannons behind your entrance cannons when you are surprised with a huge army!
Yris copied a build from SilenT.koN for PvZ, Triple Nexus and Mass Zealots + Dragoons + Templars and engage Mid Zerg around 170-180 PSI. It doesn't really work that well anymore but if you use my advice of cannoning the Zerg in after the all in attack and continue to mass with your economy you can bring out twelve Corsairs and Overlord hunt while preparing Templar drops as well! I haven't tested it yet but maybe I'll give it a try. Remember to pump two early Dragoons and go Overlord hunting so they might believe it's a Reaver drop. c(:
1~ You should always start your Geyser after two Barracks is ready to pump Marines. Generally you'll have three Barracks before you start your Factory. If you see a Protoss opponent from an early scout you can actually forget about the Geyser and go for a fourth Barrack to hold the early pressure from Zealots and Cannons.
2~ I recommend Firebat drops all the time after your first Factory is finished while you defend against a Protoss or push a Zerg, it slows them down if they lose some workers or even just mess up their mining.
3~ Second command center is always needed for the scanner if you can't prepare a Science Vessel in time!
4~ Technology Dropping, I'm starting to like the strategy of dropping the enemies technology while turtling in base when you can't push for the win!
5~ If you scout a cannon choke Protoss, I would also choke up but prepare a Barracks and float it to his base to see if you can Firebat the Probes. Defend as they're either going for Dark Templars or Drops.
6~ Wraiths are amazing to beat a Zerg during your tank push if you target the Overloads so they are unable to make more units but also have to spend 100 minerals to make another one!
7~ 4 Barracks and Academy against a super fast early Protoss is the best way to hold against the Zealots and Cannon Push. You need to micro the Marines well but also focus one Zealot at a time with all of your Marines while continuing to pump out more units!
8~ If you are building the Factory in the middle of the map against a Zerg, I suggest you to build it closer to your base so it's easiar to defend it with your Marines instead of being surprised by a bunch of Zerglings!
9~ Always Engineering Bay a Zerg with a choke as you will need Turrets if Lurkers come out early to not get pushed out of his choke completely!
Barrack could be the better choice if you're scouting a choked up Protoss to see if it's Dark Templars before preparing the Engineering Bay at home base! Firebats could be tried here before lifting to scout the technology c(:
1~ If you are a choke player you should prepare some Hydralisks by 6:00 as drops usually are ready around this time and later while continuing to keep your choke strong with the drones you make with the hatchery at your entrance!
2~ 9/9 Drones is the best way to start your hatchery at choke with the ninth drone and then prepare an overload with another drone which will make your pool. One more drone afterwards and save three larvae for 6 zerglings as these players have an extremely fast early game.
3~ Rushing Guardians is no longer a good method to win anymore, you need to rush Defilers to defend with Hydralisks and Lurkers. Guardians can come afterwards when you hold the drops or push.
4~ Hatchery tip, stop pumping drones and overloads and wait for 300-600 minerals to make 1-2 Hatcheries when you're army is around 29/29.
5~ Queen, it's an amazing unit to stop a Terran or Protoss mass breaking in your entrance defense with the Ensnare slow!
6~ From my own personal experience making 12 Zerglings in the early game can actually be game changing as you will definitely hold against a rushing Protoss or you can clear out the Marines right outside your choke defending the Factory!
7~ If you are stuck with no ideas, try and drop the enemy with Lurkers!
8~ Choke sunken tip, if you're against a Terran you should double Sunken outwards so the Tank push is much slower but also can't be ran down by mass Marines and Medics!
9~ Mass Overlords your minerals against a Terran to protect against Science Vessel Irritation!
10~ Guardian rush is still the best method to hold a Tank pushing Terran!
Working on a new Zerg choke that I haven't met or seen yet, will update if it works or not c(:
Sneakpeek - Hatcheries + Sunkens
your wrong. wtf is this. ppl drop zlots buddy, idk who your watchin getting drops by 630.. ive had a reaver drop at 540 before Lol
your wrong. wtf is this. ppl drop zlots buddy, idk who your watchin getting drops by 630.. ive had a reaver drop at 540 before Lol
Those are players who go gas very early with no gateways and if you're against another Protoss or Terran that scouts the extremely early risky tech, you're pretty much dead if they're good.
You want to keep making workers as 70 total workers is perfect to continue keeping your army at 200/200 after every fight!
get on discord mana
get on discord mana
Why would I do that when I'm building my clan and account here? π
Discord - jamesblind.
I think your a future [gK] member
I think your a future [gK] member
Unlikely, you can go join them though.. π
I'm just cementing myself onto this game since I never said anything back then and just watched the same people play every season until I left the game for Maplestory and League of Legends.
I'll be trying Low Money maps soon so if anyone from Low Money that follows this League feel free to add me as I'd like to learn how to play a different map as I'm not able to keep up with the FMP macro demands c(:
I'll be moving to StarCraft 2 after I practice some Low Money on StarCraft as I never really tried it out when I was younger and jumped straight to FMP. Let's play together sometime if you like Low Money maps!
I think your a future [gK] member
Unlikely, you can go join them though.. π
I'm just cementing myself onto this game since I never said anything back then and just watched the same people play every season until I left the game for Maplestory and League of Legends.
I'll be trying Low Money maps soon so if anyone from Low Money that follows this League feel free to add me as I'd like to learn how to play a different map as I'm not able to keep up with the FMP macro demands c(:
I'll be moving to StarCraft 2 after I practice some Low Money on StarCraft as I never really tried it out when I was younger and jumped straight to FMP. Let's play together sometime if you like Low Money maps!
wasted nearly 30 seconds of my life catching up on this god forbidden drama
I think your a future [gK] member
Unlikely, you can go join them though.. π
I'm just cementing myself onto this game since I never said anything back then and just watched the same people play every season until I left the game for Maplestory and League of Legends.
I'll be trying Low Money maps soon so if anyone from Low Money that follows this League feel free to add me as I'd like to learn how to play a different map as I'm not able to keep up with the FMP macro demands c(:
I'll be moving to StarCraft 2 after I practice some Low Money on StarCraft as I never really tried it out when I was younger and jumped straight to FMP. Let's play together sometime if you like Low Money maps!
Yup, I'm not on there level which is why I'm trying to recreate a clan similar to the Dark. Clan back in USEAST where it was full of casual players that weren't high level players. It's like a new DE- as the tag mean't Dark Empire or something. lols βΊοΈ
I think your a future [gK] member
God is god seba is seba rusty is rusty pro is pro etc :) ^^
im official member of Clan Yz
Yz~darK aka NbK.l)ark-
TAG : Yz~ (Yearn 2Last)
Recruiting players who can 1-0 others and then tell them to shut up because they're noobs who are not loud enough to talk.. π€£
I can't 1-0 people so i need someone who can do this for me! LMAO
The process making of Yz all started in US-East during the SCD days when all the VGT players left or took a long break. I began the game and watched some of the best players showcase many strategies on Original StarCraft while playing public games to practice.
I was introduced to Fastest Map Possible with an old childhood rival who I never beat because he was that much faster and smarter than me although the man who showed us the game was a Low Money Player!
My first race was Protoss and his was Zerg, I never once won a game against him before he moved on from the game and this was over ten years ago when SCZ replaced SCD.
I might've got it mixed up and it was VGT after SCD but it all started a decade ago in US-East! π
Yz~Mana :aka: Lust9so9Blue + Boblue
Yz~darK :aka: NbK.darK-
Yz~Mischief :aka: LowMischief
Yz~Yris :aka: OnLight
Yz~Desire :aka: SevenDreams
Yz~Silver :aka: Hello2
my only concern is; Yz~darK is a clan hopper.... he hops and change tag wondering how long will he last in Yz...ill give it a month until he gets bored then move on. Nothing personal but Seba....he like to change clan once a better or available clan offer him. haha...other than that..good luck with ur new clan.
he never ask for me join and im i have play 8 game back in almost 1 years?
ill own this entire clan
ill own this entire clan
No you won't, come naked c(:
You can join when you're a real player.. LMAO π
TAG : Yz~ (Yearn 2Last)
Recruiting players who can 1-0 others and then tell them to shut up because they're noobs who are not loud enough to talk.. π€£
I can't 1-0 people so i need someone who can do this for me! LMAO
The process making of Yz all started in US-East during the SCD days when all the VGT players left or took a long break. I began the game and watched some of the best players showcase many strategies on Original StarCraft while playing public games to practice.
I was introduced to Fastest Map Possible with an old childhood rival who I never beat because he was that much faster and smarter than me although the man who showed us the game was a Low Money Player!
My first race was Protoss and his was Zerg, I never once won a game against him before he moved on from the game and this was over ten years ago when SCZ replaced SCD.
I might've got it mixed up and it was VGT after SCD but it all started a decade ago in US-East! π
Yz~Mana :aka: Lust9so9Blue + Boblue
Yz~darK :aka: NbK.darK-
Yz~Mischief :aka: LowMischief
Yz~Yris :aka: OnLight
Yz~Desire :aka: SevenDreams
Yz~Silver :aka: Hello2
my only concern is; Yz~darK is a clan hopper.... he hops and change tag wondering how long will he last in Yz...ill give it a month until he gets bored then move on. Nothing personal but Seba....he like to change clan once a better or available clan offer him. haha...other than that..good luck with ur new clan.
That's not an issue with me as i'm happy someone actually wanted to join my clan outside of my busy friends.. My name is Jame if you're ever interested in my clan! c(: LMAO
Illuminati is only one original eq !! Free Palestine
i fix my name no more risk i promise about my familly i never leave Yz~ my name is jean-sΓ©bastien mainella i have so much real aka and fake troll aka for troll ppl cuz he direspect me for no reason im not new player but i dont want proof anything about ppl who so much tire or take to much drug in these life and cant control brain correctly my real aka for sc is Yz~iLuMiNatiZ
You lost a game within a minute, I don't really need you as I don't plan on partnering you for 2s either. I'll see if I need to remove you later depending on the games you report c(:
Edit; I'm not sure what this guy is going on about as I beat him ZvP before letting him tag up and now he's complaining for MyToOsBasHYoUUp guy on the game I beat him PvT and to add onto that our TvZ game was very suspicious in Season 42.
if u dont want me kick me out u choose boss idc
hey karol look my call im ilu of quebec that it stay on ur contry if u mad xd
Recruiting real players that are interested in a new playstyle!
I remember being introduced to this game with a few friends just practicing versus each other in the beginning and joining public games and hanging out in channels with cool looking names and clan tags.
We all ended up joining a clan but only two of us got to train with the high level gamers as the others watched, it was interesting watching them train and improve seriously while we fucked around trying builds and strategies in public games.. lols
It's hard to find new players and guiding them without making them feel bored due to hard losses. All I know is if they enjoy this game, they'll stick around once they discover a league like this with cool names to look up to! βΊοΈ