StarCraft World

GENERAL => Gallery => Topic started by: Lucas on August 19, 2023, 04:33:44 pm

Title: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 19, 2023, 04:33:44 pm
A GFX signature is a visual representation that forum users can display in their forum posts. These signatures often include personalized graphics, text, and sometimes other elements that represent the user's identity or interests.

Please feel free to request a GFX signature by simply posting in this thread providing a photo you would like used or theme.

Members who have donated towards the website will be placed at the top of the list and processed ahead of requests from non-donating users.

Some examples of the current work I've created:






Text Signatures:




Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: GreatEscape on August 19, 2023, 04:45:43 pm
Are you able to make one for me with my name gG]EaZy-
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: GreatEscape on August 19, 2023, 04:45:59 pm
You do great work!
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Userishere on August 19, 2023, 04:51:33 pm
You do great work!

sucking up to the admins
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Tryndamere on August 19, 2023, 04:54:26 pm
Can you do one with this picture?
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 19, 2023, 05:01:12 pm
Can you do one with this picture?

Yes, but unfortunately the picture you provided me with is too small. Do you have the original / bigger size ?

Edit: Found it, disregard.
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 19, 2023, 06:01:02 pm
Can you do one with this picture?

Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Tryndamere on August 19, 2023, 07:00:44 pm
Can you do one with this picture?


Very nice, bro. Thanks!
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: iReCoNz on August 19, 2023, 07:18:04 pm
Nice Lucas, but I made one for me  8)
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 19, 2023, 07:20:08 pm
Nice Lucas, but I made one for me  8)

hehe, me gusta el color !  8)
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Turtle on August 19, 2023, 09:40:37 pm
this is so lame
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: LetsPlaySC- on August 20, 2023, 02:43:41 am
Hi lucas, your work looks cool, could u make me one with the flag of Venezuela  and maybe the statue of simon bolivar on a horse on the background, something like that haha  8)
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 20, 2023, 02:45:03 pm
Are you able to make one for me with my name gG]EaZy-


Hi lucas, your work looks cool, could u make me one with the flag of Venezuela  and maybe the statue of simon bolivar on a horse on the background, something like that haha  8)

I'll see what I can come up with  8)
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: gG]EaZy- on August 20, 2023, 08:04:29 pm
cool thanks lucas!
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Madara- on August 21, 2023, 11:22:03 am
bro would be sick if you took a swing at mine! No clue what id want but your work is sick!
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: RJBTV on August 21, 2023, 02:56:09 pm
Image is a tiny bit pixelated but:,w_1200,h_630,g_auto,f_auto,q_auto/redbullcom/2013/08/05/1331605602851_2/jim-raynor-figurine (,w_1200,h_630,g_auto,f_auto,q_auto/redbullcom/2013/08/05/1331605602851_2/jim-raynor-figurine)
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 21, 2023, 03:22:46 pm
Hi lucas, your work looks cool, could u make me one with the flag of Venezuela  and maybe the statue of simon bolivar on a horse on the background, something like that haha  8)

Very challenging - If you don't like please let me know. I can make you something else if you'd like.


bro would be sick if you took a swing at mine! No clue what id want but your work is sick!

One of my favorite characters next to Jiraiya Sensei.

Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 21, 2023, 08:26:32 pm
Image is a tiny bit pixelated but:,w_1200,h_630,g_auto,f_auto,q_auto/redbullcom/2013/08/05/1331605602851_2/jim-raynor-figurine (,w_1200,h_630,g_auto,f_auto,q_auto/redbullcom/2013/08/05/1331605602851_2/jim-raynor-figurine)

Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: LetsPlaySC- on August 22, 2023, 08:35:20 am
Brooo fucking sick hahah thanks 😎 great work!
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Madara- on August 22, 2023, 12:07:17 pm
bruh that looks sick, it gives me an idea. anyway you could do Madara- like hydra's but with his sharingan and rinnengan in the A's or something like that?
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: DarKneSs on August 22, 2023, 02:49:52 pm
can you make me a signature with a dark templar theme ty
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: RJBTV on August 22, 2023, 03:34:52 pm
Image is a tiny bit pixelated but:,w_1200,h_630,g_auto,f_auto,q_auto/redbullcom/2013/08/05/1331605602851_2/jim-raynor-figurine (,w_1200,h_630,g_auto,f_auto,q_auto/redbullcom/2013/08/05/1331605602851_2/jim-raynor-figurine)


niiiiiiice! thanks for the work!
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: RyuSC91 on August 22, 2023, 08:49:28 pm
hi dear lucas
could u please make one for me. related to old sf ii ryu super nintendo. could also be one ryu with more resolution pixels
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 22, 2023, 09:37:22 pm
can you make me a signature with a dark templar theme ty

Here ya go darK.


hi dear lucas
could u please make one for me. related to old sf ii ryu super nintendo. could also be one ryu with more resolution pixels

I'll work on this one tomorrow my friend  ;)
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: DarKneSs on August 22, 2023, 09:52:30 pm
can you make me a signature with a dark templar theme ty

Here ya go darK.


hi dear lucas
could u please make one for me. related to old sf ii ryu super nintendo. could also be one ryu with more resolution pixels

I'll work on this one tomorrow my friend  ;)
i like very
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: MaCrO- on August 22, 2023, 10:20:00 pm
Could you make me one please Lucas??
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: LetsPlaySC- on August 23, 2023, 05:11:22 am
Hi lucas, i must be a noob but how do you put it in the signature box, simple copy paste doesnt work
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Madara- on August 23, 2023, 09:32:43 am
Put… img in closed brackets, then your url no spaces and put /img in brackets to close it.

Do this from your forum profile settings >signature

Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 23, 2023, 09:30:15 pm
hi dear lucas
could u please make one for me. related to old sf ii ryu super nintendo. could also be one ryu with more resolution pixels


Could you make me one please Lucas??

Yep, i'll work on yours next.
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: RyuSC91 on August 23, 2023, 10:07:32 pm
hi dear lucas
could u please make one for me. related to old sf ii ryu super nintendo. could also be one ryu with more resolution pixels

it looks very great. thanks a lot

Could you make me one please Lucas??

Yep, i'll work on yours next.
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Ridd1cK[DFWM] on August 24, 2023, 01:22:41 pm
Signature request:

Can you put a picture of David running and dodging hydra and put the name greatescape.
I can’t think of a better way to describe greatescape..
Other than just dodging in general.
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 24, 2023, 01:59:37 pm
Signature request:

Can you put a picture of David running and dodging hydra and put the name greatescape.
I can’t think of a better way to describe greatescape..
Other than just dodging in general.

Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 24, 2023, 05:56:32 pm
For Reeko:


Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 25, 2023, 03:48:17 pm
For Gavita:

Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Madara- on August 26, 2023, 09:55:17 am
these are so sick dude!
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 26, 2023, 06:07:00 pm
Could you make me one please Lucas??

Here you go Macro.


these are so sick dude!

Thanks Matt !
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on August 26, 2023, 11:07:18 pm




bruh that looks sick, it gives me an idea. anyway you could do Madara- like hydra's but with his sharingan and rinnengan in the A's or something like that?

Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: DefJam on August 28, 2023, 04:47:22 am
nice, thanks !!
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: NbK.l)aNgeR- on August 28, 2023, 05:47:29 pm
Hey Lucas Can I get one made that has Natural Born KiLLas on it with my name. The design would be with the Zerg ultralisk in red, black, and white if possible with a dope background with smoke and dark type look
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: NbK.l)aNgeR- on August 28, 2023, 06:53:51 pm
nam is NbK.l)aNgeR-  idk why it messed up ill try and fix it
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: eLySiuM on August 31, 2023, 01:04:13 am
I also want, with background of the movie elysium
if u can.

atte eLySiuM
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on September 03, 2023, 10:19:26 pm
nam is NbK.l)aNgeR-  idk why it messed up ill try and fix it

Here you go, went with the hydra instead.

Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: NbK.l)aNgeR- on September 05, 2023, 11:40:10 am
it came out great lucas THANK YOU!!!
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Blizzard on September 05, 2023, 10:59:00 pm
This is Sully. Lucas, can you make me a signature of Trunks from DragonBall Super? Please? I would appreciate it very much. Thanks.
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Shin on September 06, 2023, 12:59:34 pm
Lucas is so good for this community. Much respect.
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: iAm-SpOoKy on September 06, 2023, 08:09:51 pm
As top season Donator i would like the name "Soda" in what looks like a glass cup filling up with Soda animated. Throw in a heart ;) Much love lucas!!
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: iAm-SpOoKy on September 08, 2023, 12:22:09 am

RJ I don't do animation lol !

Not with that attitude you dont ....
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on February 19, 2024, 07:35:40 pm

Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on February 19, 2024, 07:56:49 pm


Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Ridd1cK[DFWM] on February 19, 2024, 09:28:07 pm
yoooo that is sicccckkkk
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on February 19, 2024, 11:38:47 pm


Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: RoNin on February 19, 2024, 11:40:01 pm
love it
Title: Re: GFX Signature request thread
Post by: Lucas on February 21, 2024, 12:34:26 pm

